Beds Road CC Reliability Rides

BRCC Posts: 16
Beds Road CC will once again be hosting our two annual reliability rides, taking in the best of Bedfordshire countryside. This years rides will take place on 13th & 27th February 2011.

Rides are as follows:

Ride 1, 13th Feb:
Long route - 59 miles starting at 9.45am - Route map:
Short route - 44 miles starting at 10am - Route map:

Ride 2, 27th Feb:
Long route - 70 miles starting at 9.15am - Route map: (subject to very slight change due to opening of new A421 dual carriageway)
Short route - 51 miles starting at 9.30am - Route map: (subject to very slight change due to opening of new A421 dual carriageway)

All routes set off from our club house in Cardington -
Bedfordshire Road Cycling Club
The Parish Room
Southill Road
MK44 3SX

There's a small fee of £4 for taking part in each ride. Please arrive in good time to sign on for the rides.

We look forward to seeing you.


  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Bumpity bump.

    Hope to ride the first one of these this Sunday - anyone else on here?
  • HI iam hoping to go along sunday any idea if there are any route markers .
  • Garz
    Garz Posts: 1,155
    Doh, I used to live in Bedford and am now based near Bolton. A bit too far methinks but maybe next time!
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    heystacky wrote:
    any idea if there are any route markers .
    They haven't marked the route in the past
  • BRCC
    BRCC Posts: 16
    Thanks for the bump Bronzie.

    I will of course be riding, but planning on keeping it steady :oops: Hopefully all the wind was blown out last weekend.

    heystacky no route markers, you will be given a routesheet before the start (or you can print them off the website Alternatively, follow someone who knows the route!

    Tea, coffee, soup & cake FOC for riders at the end.
  • Im up for it.
    Badly need to get my arse in gear after that winter, Im ashamed it got the better of me and my road bike is gagging for some open road.

    Am I right in thinking its all comers welcome? (within reason of course) :lol:
  • BRCC
    BRCC Posts: 16
    Yes all welcome fruitandveg.
  • BRCC
    BRCC Posts: 16
    Thanks to all who turned out today, hard coming back into the wind, but at least the rain held off.

    Just in case you didn't know we've decided to allow all those who rode today and paid their £4 have a free ride for the next reliability ride in two weeks time (27th Feb). 70 and 51 mile routes on offer.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    And thanks for organising it. Apart from the errr.........interesting start with a rather big mass of riders heading out together, it was a great ride over some lovely lanes. Well done.
  • BRCC
    BRCC Posts: 16
    Just a reminder about the ride this weekend.

    If you rode the first of our reliability rides then you get free entry to this one.

    Or if you're a bit further south check out Bronzie's Luton CC ride we'll have to try and avoid a clash next year.
  • BRCC
    BRCC Posts: 16
    Thanks to everyone who turned out to ride yesterday. Started off a lovely morning but slowly got progressively worse, leading to a complete soaking for most of us!