Handtec Customer Services.

tonyds Posts: 12
edited January 2011 in Road buying advice
Got given a GSC 10 Cadence Sensor for Christmas, but it's completly dead, (yes, I've tried replacing the battery).

It was bought from Handtec and they only offer returns within 7 days of purchase.
After that, you have to go back to the manufacturer!

The Unit arrived in a small siver bag, as opposed a properly sealed Garmin box, so it's probably one that's been returned to them before.

Looking at their returns policy, it going to be a battle getting my £30 back.
Does anyone have any positive experiences with Handtec's customer services?


  • moonshine
    moonshine Posts: 1,021
    none either way, but i read somewhere on here that the returns policy that you state above from Handtec is in breach of the Consumer protection act.... maybe a word with trading standards?

    I think their returns policy puts a few pople off when considering kit, but their prices are keen.

    I think it is not satisfactory / acceptable for a retailer to absolve themselves of thei consumer rights... as your contract is with the seller, not the manufacturer.#

    my 2p
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    Wave the sale of goods act 1979 at them.

    If the item is not fit for purpose, then they need to refund or replace, their 7 days thing is irrelevent if the item doesn't work.
  • moonshine
    moonshine Posts: 1,021
    danowat wrote:
    Wave the sale of goods act 1979 at them.

    If the item is not fit for purpose, then they need to refund or replace, their 7 days thing is irrelevent if the item doesn't work.

    that was the one i was meaning! :oops:
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    speak to garmin, they will probably just send you a new one. garmin customer support is very good.
  • Monkeypump
    Monkeypump Posts: 1,528
    I may be wrong, but I think the 7-day thing is just the minimum requirement for distance selling (i.e. internet, catalogue, etc) and refers to the consumer's right to 'change their mind' within that time period.

    Sale of goods act is likely more robust and should help you.

    However, although I've not bought anything from Handtec, I did speak to them on several occasions at the end of last year with a view to buying a Garmin. TBH, everyone I spoke to gave me a different story and they appeared to be completely uncoordinated. It didn't intill any sense of faith in me, so I didn't buy from them in the end.

    Only my limited experience though, others seem to be pleased with them.
  • Danny M
    Danny M Posts: 132
    Handtec customer service is utter shite used them once, never again!