A time to overtake?

snooks Posts: 1,521
edited January 2011 in Commuting chat
If you were cycling home tonight and there is a cyclist in front of you and you are both approaching a pinch point, (like, I don't know, let just say for the sake of argument a coned off left hand lane going towards Stratford this evening) it is not a good time to overtake! :evil: More so when the road is wet and there are just a few metres before it's filter time...

Especially when doing so forces the poor chap in front, who had moved out at the time, now has no option than to go through the road worked area because you've left him nowhere to go and with the speed he was maintaining he has no desire to play chicken with you trying to fit two bikes where there is only room for one.

Then, again for the sake of argument, at the next pinch point where the road that has opened out, and is about to loose the left lane again. If the same cyclist who is ahead and has more speed on the open road haven overtaken you a few times already has moved out to take the lane that you seemed he'll bent on taking last time, it's not a que for you to try and overtake him on the inside! :evil:

Do yourself, and other cyclist, a favour and learn when is and when isn't a good time to overtake. It might save your life in the future, as cars aren't as manoeuvrable as bikes.

It's bad enough for numpty drivers trying to squish cyclists with out muppets of the highest order trying to force fellow cyclists of the road.

Sorry rant over, I'm off to cool down in a nice hot shower :twisted:

And relax :D
FCN:5, 8 & 9
If I'm not riding I'm shooting http://grahamsnook.com
THE Game
Watch out for HGVs


  • You should have been playing the unspoken game & left the drafting fairy in your dust before giving them the chance to comprise your road position.

    You can repent your sins here you are amongst friends :lol:
  • snooks
    snooks Posts: 1,521
    nmac_2011 wrote:
    You should have been playing the unspoken game & left the drafting fairy in your dust before giving them the chance to comprise your road position.

    You can repent your sins here you are amongst friends :lol:

    I'd already left him for dead before the incidents, but was going down from 26mph to my flitering speed of around 15mph.

    Anywhoooo rule 4 clearly states passing in open traffic only, passing while filtering is null and void, which technically we were as there was stationary traffic on the right. ;)
    FCN:5, 8 & 9
    If I'm not riding I'm shooting http://grahamsnook.com
    THE Game
    Watch out for HGVs
  • pianoleo
    pianoleo Posts: 135
    I can promise it wasn't me - I was in Fulham tonight. That said, I use that road (~7pm) to get to my Leytonstone job on Monday nights, and it's probably the least favourite part of my journey.

    Who else here risks the flyover? Every week I think to myself "go down to the roundabout, then back up" and I see the traffic and go over the top...
  • snooks
    snooks Posts: 1,521
    pianoleo wrote:
    Who else here risks the flyover? Every week I think to myself "go down to the roundabout, then back up" and I see the traffic and go over the top...

    Always the flyover for me, only thing a bit like a hill on my commute. From Bow I take the primary early in the left lane which becomes the middle (then left lane of the flyover) lane and give a bold right hand signal all the way past the long exit to the roundabout, it seems to stop late comes cutting across me to get down the exit. Then I chase anyone ahead down and pass before the decent. :twisted: Get into the primary approaching the slip road and make sure any drivers entering have seen me. For some reason cars don't expect bike to be doing 30+mph as they come onto the main road.

    It's the bit going up towards Stratford that used to be a bus lane,and is now coned off, I always get cars trying to get past, even when I'm in the primary/secondary. That road is treated as a bit of a drag strip :(
    FCN:5, 8 & 9
    If I'm not riding I'm shooting http://grahamsnook.com
    THE Game
    Watch out for HGVs
  • pianoleo wrote:
    I can promise it wasn't me - I was in Fulham tonight. That said, I use that road (~7pm) to get to my Leytonstone job on Monday nights, and it's probably the least favourite part of my journey.

    Who else here risks the flyover? Every week I think to myself "go down to the roundabout, then back up" and I see the traffic and go over the top...
    So you're one of them!?! I see it all the time, I did it once too. Never again though when I realised that you come down right in the middle of 2/3 lanes of traffic!! I even saw one guy stop on the chevrons to see if he had a flat tyre. I remember thinking 'do it at the side of the road you herbert!!'. :lol:

    Give me the roundabout any day. And in traffic it's not much slower. I paced a lycra boy, he did the flyover and I tackled the roundabout, he was on his racer and I was on my singleton and there was mere yards between us.
    Dance like nobody is watching, ride like you're 10 minutes late!