Tenerife mid March....any local knowledge appreciated!!

pthompson73 Posts: 58
edited January 2011 in Tour & expedition
I am taking the family off to Tenerfie in mid march and have convinced the missus what a good idea it would be for me to hire a bike out there and get some miles in.......somehow she agreed.

We are staying at the Thomson Sensatori which is near Alcala / Guia De Isora / Los Gigantes area.

I am going to be using Les Browns services at Pro Bike Hire whilst over there, and have seen that he offers a pretty comprehensive service.

However, I would love to hear from people with experiences of riding in this area, routes, road conditions, weather protection for this time of year.

This is the 1st time riding outside of the UK so I would like to experience a variety of routes, flat, rolling and climbing.

My climbing is not the greatest, long steady drags at a nice gradient I can survive, short sharp ramps up stupid gradients is were I fall off (sometimes literally).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated


  • PieterM
    PieterM Posts: 167
    You lucky man. Riding is great around there!

    The coastal road (47) is quite busy but worth riding and relatively flat. Going anywhere inland you'll have to climb (sometimes as steep gradients). You can do a nice loop by starting along the 47 then go up past Los Gigantes on a long climb towards Santiago, then turn right to Las Manchas and Arguayo. When you hit Chio the best way back is to take one of the smaller roads back to Alcala on the coast. Chio is also where the road up to the Teide vulcano starts. It is a superb but very long climb (8,000ft!) and very gradual.
    Another great loop starts in Santiago and goes down the (quite busy) 82 towards the coast. Turn left at Cruz Grande towards Garachico via Taranque. When you hit the coastal road (42), turn left and follow this road to its dead end at the Teno lighthouse. return to Buenavista and turn right on the 436. This is where all the climbing is. This road is not to be missed because it is truly spectacular although the last stretch after Masca is very very steep (2 miles at double digit percentages...). Have fun!
    European Cycling Trips: http://bikeplustours.com
  • Pieter,

    Thanks for the detailed reply, I shall dig out a map and start plotting some routes.

    I think my wife will permit me 3 or 4 days out so heres to some happy riding

  • Cheshley
    Cheshley Posts: 1,448
    after riding up all those hills you will need the Thai massage parlour in Fanabe ;o)

    NOTE: I only know about it because I like the welsh bar next door (honest)
    1998 Marin Hawk Hill
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  • I visited Tenerife last February and stayed in Puerto de la Cruz in the north of the island. Some great cycling to be had!
    Here's a couple of rides I did. The Masca loop isn't too far from where your staying.

  • Does that thai massage place offer a "happy ending" to a long and energy sapping day in the saddle..LOL?

    Thanks for the routes, I have downloaded them and they will come in very handy.

    Cant wait now, getting some base miles in here on the turbo whilst the weather is crap so to feel some sun on the back come mid March will be most welcome
  • tough cycling inland, you will need a compact and 27/28 rear cog, weather is usually great but once above 500mts you will need a gillet, arm and knee warmers for the descent's.... no prob going up.....you'll be warm enough.... any of the main road surfaces heading to or from Tiede are really good but once off them they,re only fair... enjoy!
  • Cheshley wrote:
    after riding up all those hills you will need the Thai massage parlour in Fanabe ;o)

    NOTE: I only know about it because I like the welsh bar next door (honest)

    Towards the end of a long day in April last year, I accidentally ended up in Fanabe, trying to find my way back onto the TF28 and upward to San Lorenzo without using the arterial TF1.

    Gutted that I missed the Thai place.

    Purely for the recuperative benefits to one's legs you understand!
  • rhnb
    rhnb Posts: 324
    A friend of mine has cycled there a fair bit and written up some of his experiences here...


    Just look for Richyboy's Blogs.

    Loads of info in there on routes etc.

    Cheeers... Allan.
    Cycle tour reports and the home of \'Cycling Before Lycra\'