Keep going with the base miles?

Posts: 517
Got my first race(s) in early/mid april, just wondering when should I stop doing the base miles and start adding in hill climbing, interval etc. I thought February. I've been doing base miles (60 miles a week on an mtb) for a month and a half now.
Whats the race you are training for? Have read quite a few training articles that suggest base training is effective for 8-12 weeks. So I would say that you could keep making aerobic endurance fitness gains for another month and a half. It also depends on your current fitness level. Maybe keep working on your endurance but put one hard day in there somewhere (a fartlek session or something), then use February/March to really start focusing on race specific fitness. Hope this helps0
Erm, I'll be doing MSG and The latter Welsh series races. Hoepfully! So relatively short and less than an hour.
In terms of current fitness I'm just below where I was at the end of the season but the training was spontaneous last time around rather than the predetermined sort I do now. I don't how fit I actually am but my VO2 max is/was (as of july) 66 and Resting heart rate is 58 (I'm 15) I'm not sure how the stats would look in perspective.0