Annual stats for pro rider??????

ro63rt Posts: 59
edited January 2011 in Pro race
Anyone know a link on the web or has inside knowledge of what a pro riders annual stats are? ie Number rides in the year, mileage, average speed, max speed etc. I'm aiming this year to try & keep a record of all my stats both MTb, road then combined.


  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Are you trying to emulate a pro's training regime?
  • ro63rt
    ro63rt Posts: 59
    Nope I'm just intrigued really! Just to see quite how much riding they do in a year.
  • i think Garmin may show some stats, but i doubt you can see all of them as it may give secrets away?
  • jonmack
    jonmack Posts: 522
    Ivan Basso said he's going to be riding 40,000k this year. ... 0&ns_fee=0
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    I would think they ride 7 days a week at varying distances and intensities. And they might have a week or two completely off a year.

    Now if they are riding 2 or 3 Grand Tours a year, they are going to rack up some serious mileage compared to the guys who only do the one day races.

    40,000KM a year equates to an average of over 100KM a day, but Grand Tour stages will be up to 250KM a day, so the per day average drops a bit.

    Still a lot of miles. Unless you ride a bike for a living, it's hard to get that sort of mileage in on a daily basis!
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    CQranking has some numbers on the riders with most kilometres in UCI races last year: ... ?year=2010

    Last year Hondo did 17,000 km in 100 days of racing.
  • On one of the eurosport commentries last year they said a pro rides about 26000 miles/year.

    Thta was from Magnus B
  • yea i remember that actually :) RT Tester
    north west of england.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    40 odd thousand kilometres a year.

    Woah. That's near enough 3 times round the world.

    Is that really correct?

    They do 3,500 in 3 weeks in the Tour which they all say is a hell of a lot, so 40,000 seems a little much.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,207
    800kms a week for 50 weeks doesn't sound that much for a full time rider, they will probably race about 500km most weeks through the season. Some of it will be recovery rides but I doubt they have many days with no riding at all.
  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 18,796
    i used to do 30k+
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • shinyhelmut
    shinyhelmut Posts: 1,364
    40 odd thousand kilometres a year.

    Woah. That's near enough 3 times round the world.

    Is that really correct?

    No that's not correct. 40 000K is only once around the world.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    40 odd thousand kilometres a year.

    Woah. That's near enough 3 times round the world.

    Is that really correct?

    No that's not correct. 40 000K is only once around the world.

    Quite right.

    Factor of π out....
  • shinyhelmut
    shinyhelmut Posts: 1,364
    Still quite a long way by bike though :lol:
  • nic_77
    nic_77 Posts: 929
    40 000km is nothing...

    Tommy Godwin

    120 000km on a 14kg bike... and one of my favourite cycling stories of all time, there must be a book in this?
  • Garz
    Garz Posts: 1,155
    Absolutely nic_77, sounds like a right pain in the ass to achieve but highly commendable record to hold.
  • Garrigou
    Garrigou Posts: 145
    Some mates & I got into a long, late night conversation with Rolf Aldag at a hotel we ended up sharing with Columbia when they (& we) were recce'ing the Pyrenees stages of the 2009 Tour. Aldag was using Erik Zabel as an example of the 'old school' of training, which he summarised as 'to hell with specificity; ride 1000km per week & 4 weeks off in the Winter'. So, 48,000km according to Rolf (albeit the 'modern' rider is probably a bit more scientific about it than that).
    Between me & Eddy Merckx we've won pretty much everything worth winning on a bike.