Carbon Frame - What if you crashed?

tptvmbircn Posts: 782
edited January 2011 in Commuting general

Sorry if this has been answered before but a debate has risen. Put aside the magazines etc etc but really what happens in the difference if i crash my steel frame compared to a carbon? micro fibre // hairline cracks etc if you crash the carbon once is that it bye bye frame? and if I dented my steel its kind of ok (depending on the dent) its still ridable however.

You're opinions on a postcard please as we are a sceptical bunch from the north east!

So long and thanks for...



  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    How often do you crash ? You can break a steel frame in a crash too ?
    Most times in a crash the frame doesn't hit the deck - it's you, the bars, saddle, pedals, wheels.
    You could be unlucky and smack it into a kerbstone but for my riding - that's unlikely to happen. It's up to you really - dont overstretch yourself and buy a frame that you couldn't replace in the event of a catastrophic crash ?
  • majormantra
    majormantra Posts: 2,094
    Depends on the frame and the exact nature of the crash, but in general carbon is far tougher than its detractors make out. As cougie says, in most crashes it's everything apart from the frame that breaks.
  • Carbon fibre composite does not have very good impact resistance. Crashing is not that common, but having your bike topple over or slide along a wall are possible dangers. You have to be more wary of such things if you own a carbon frame.

    And carbon frames are cheap ... if you are not fussy with what name, if any, appears on it.
  • Thanks for the replies, i assumed it was all speculation and i have'nt crashed in years for the record :lol: now to make some new frame choices!
  • badwolf
    badwolf Posts: 26
    Must admit it is always at the back of my mind when on the carbon bike. I've read horror stories of forks failing and, in some cases, resulting paralysis.
    I reckon Berk Bonebonce (lol) is spot on - you just need to be aware of these things and keep tabs on your frame damage. Like I wouldnt leave it locked up out of my sight because you don't know what f*cker may have come along and whacked it with their knuckledusters while you weren't looking :roll:
  • Haha to be honest i think i'm going steel again! without the knukle duster scenario hopefully! :lol:
  • stuaff
    stuaff Posts: 1,736
    Frames fail & get damaged regardless of material. No need to be paranoid about CF. I managed to put a dent in the top tube of my Viner of the first day I had it :oops: Then I had an argument with a cattle grid in Wales eighteen months back, went down Reigate Hill the wrong way a few months ago (in both cases I took the brunt of the impact...!) and it's fallen over a couple of times. It's fine. If a crash is severe enough to damage a carbon frame it would do the same to another material.
    Dahon Speed Pro TT; Trek Portland
    Viner Magnifica '08 ; Condor Squadra
    LeJOG in aid of the Royal British Legion. Please sponsor me at
  • CF and steel can be damaged in a number of ways from cosmetic to catastrophic, I've experienced both with both materials. The main difference was psychological, If steel is damaged I would still ride it (if possible), but when my CF bike was even slightly damage I was always afraid it would fail completely so I retired the frame. Basically you have a margin of error with steel that you don't (IMO) have with carbon
  • Thanks again, I guess it is paronoia, something new comes out and the speculation gets blow out of proportion antikythera. StuAff i totally agree what you said but you be careful! sounds like some nasty ones in there!