Almost Had Me

NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
edited December 2010 in The bottom bracket
My god was that a lucky escape today. Some stupid woman driving either a BMW 4x4 or a Nissan Qashqai pulled right out in front of me morning. without even looking :x

I was coming down Grahame Park Way holding the centre of the lane so none attempts a dodgy overtake and getting ready to turn right onto Lanacre Avenue. Before I reached this point I noticed a car heading towards to cut through and realised that we would meet at the same time. Now from experience I know that if I had continued to slow down to take the turn they may try a sneaky nose out so I decided it would be safer to continue at my present speed and go straight past.

Just as I was approaching the front of her car she starts to pull out :shock: Thankfully the road was just wide enough for me to swerve and get alongside then get in front of her. While her passenger had been looking at me ALL the time the driver did not even look in my direction until I started shouting/swearing and pointing/gesturing at my eyes for her to maybe look where the f*ck she is going!!!

This a google map for the exact point,+London+NW7,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.596015,-0.245658&spn=0.004712,0.018024&z=17&layer=c&cbll=51.596776,-0.245976&panoid=z4gVkoiLclA1XE4XwgJmUA&cbp=12,121.21,,0,20.05

I was coming from the opposite directing ready to turn right and she should have been giving way at the give way road markings!!!

Its funny but I could swear that I read one time that cycling in your local area on quiet days are where more accidents happen. I can bloody believe it now. BOTH my near misses have been local and on quiet stretches of road!!!


  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Yepp, my off happened earlier this year about 50 yards from my house at the start of a ride. Same thing about the driver not looking, I could have been dressed in a fancy dress banana costume and she would not have noticed because she just didn't look in my direction. I think it just affirms the advanced driving mentality of seeing the risks early and predicting that the other driver hasn't. Fortunately, I had slowed right down in anticipation of her not stopping up but I still ended up flying through the air after doing last minute avoidance.

    Good to hear you are ok, that's the main thing.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Happened to me yesterday. But what gets me is how the driver was staring at me the entire time I'm coming towards me and still decides to pull out right in front of me! And then is surprised when I nearly go into the side of him.
  • jj1048
    jj1048 Posts: 107
    Pokerface wrote:
    Happened to me yesterday. But what gets me is how the driver was staring at me the entire time I'm coming towards me and still decides to pull out right in front of me! And then is surprised when I nearly go into the side of him.

    This has happened to me too. I think it's that drivers don't expect bikes to be travelling at 25-30mph.
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    What's probably more of a concern is that a lot of them just couldn't care less and if you protest you're told to F - off :twisted:

    The CTC are running a campaign called SMIDSY (sorry mate, I didn't see you) and they are compiling statistics so if you have been a victim of this please get in touch here.... :wink:

    When using our roads all you can do whether it's a car, motorbike or bike you are in is to try and make yourself visible as possible and always expect the worst. There will still be times when your in the lap of the gods though and I for one would like to see the legal system in Britain more strict when it comes to dealing with this problem.

    You can get 18 months prison sentence for carrying a certain type of knife now because of all the stabbings so why aren't we seeing much more stringent sentences for the huge number of numb nuts driving around our streets being a clear danger to cyclists :?:
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,034
    I've only been knocked off my bike once - thirty years ago: a driver looked straight through me and pulled out as I went past on the main road.

    Cycling past that junction yesterday for the first time in thirty years, a car came up to the junction ... looked in my direction ... started to pull out ... then at the last minute saw me and slammed on the brakes. I was assuming she was going to try to kill me anyway, so was ready this time.
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    I forgot about the SMIDSY site so have just filled off a report