Which knee armour

caw35slr Posts: 439
edited December 2010 in MTB buying advice
Having taken a huge chunk out of my right shin, I bought some 661 Veggie shin guards from CRC. I'm very happy with them.

I'm now thinking of adding knee protection. 661 does a Veggie knee guard that attaches to the shin guard by way of some velcro. Is this a good idea? Or should I not care about integrated shin/knee protection, in which case which knee guards would you recommend?


  • dan1502
    dan1502 Posts: 568
    Kyle Straits are highly recommended but I went for the Evo which thankfully I've yet to crash test. They are comfortable on long rides but are more expensive. I got them from decentgear which at the time were the chepest.
    Santa Cruz Tallboy