Guaranteed entry for Quebrantahuesos

If you didn't get a place in the Quebrantahuesos lottery draw last week (16,700 people applied for 8300 places), you can still enter with Train in Spain ( They have guaranteed entries and are running a 4-night trip.

This is Spain's biggest and best sportive, easily equal to the etape but with probably better organisation (it retains its UCI Golden Bike Event each year).

It is 205 kms, 3500 metres of climbing (Coll de Somport, Marie Blanque and Portalet). There is also a shorter course of approx. 100 kms.

If you are wanting to try something with a uniquely Spanish flavour, then this is the one to do. It caters for all levels of riders, from those that will do it in 5hrs 30 mins to those doing it in 12 hours. Diploma times are realistic, fast club riders will achieve a gold standard if they have a good day.

Give it a go, you will not be disappointed.