Anybody Been On LFGSS Forum?

Mark Elvin
Mark Elvin Posts: 997
edited December 2010 in The bottom bracket
Has to be one of the most unfriendly forums I have ever been on, 80% of them are arrogant, rude, up themselves shisters.
2012 Cannondale Synapse


  • i'd agree. only go on for a bit of a nose every now and then, but attitudes are a big problem over there.
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    Mark Elvin wrote:
    Has to be one of the most unfriendly forums I have ever been on, 80% of them are arrogant, rude, up themselves shisters.

    Yep that they are.

    Really think something of themselves. Same riding their bikes on the road until they come a cropper.
  • Harry B
    Harry B Posts: 1,239
    Whats the LFGSS forum? :oops:
  • london fixed gear and single speed forum
  • Harry182
    Harry182 Posts: 1,170
    "shisters"? Sean Connery's female siblings?

    No wonder they have a chip on their shoulders.
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    I go there for the cycling chat, I stay for the bitterness and petty sniping
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,051
    Mark Elvin wrote:
    Has to be one of the most unfriendly forums I have ever been on, 80% of them are arrogant, rude, up themselves shisters.

    That's because they are hip "fixie" riders and you're just so uncool, plus they're Londoners :lol:
  • AndyF16
    AndyF16 Posts: 506
    I had a quick look a while back to see if there was a definition of the difference between FG and SS - glad I didn't ask now :wink:

    Any of you friendly BR people care to enlighten this unhip provincial retard, please?
    2011 Bianchi D2 Cavaria in celeste (of course!)
    2011 Enigma Echo 57cm in naked Ti
    2009 Orange G2 19" in, erm orange
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,051
    Easy, fixed is where there is no freewheel on the back so the pedals turn with the wheels. Single speed is just a single freewheel. You can ride a fixed gear bike backwards (as members of LFGSS will probably willing show you if you ask!).
  • I like'm. I like the raw unmoderated wild west of a forum too. Yes, they don't take prisoners (look up UTFS) but I've met some of them and just like any group of people, there's good'ns and bad'ns. To *get* the forum you need get that there's a lot of humour and tongue-in-cheek.

    They do a lot of good stuff too. One of the busy threads is How not to lock your bike. Bike theft is endemic in London. Active members regularly leave notes and even laminated cards about locking up properly on people's bikes.

    And for those who don't understand our capital city, it's a wonderfully cosmopolitan place far from the bigoted insular little place that I grew up in. Pot-kettle-black folks. How many threads on here about "roadies" not waving back 'cause you're not on the right steed or wearing the right gear? (I know - look at my handle :oops: )

    Merry Christmas to you though,

    I'm off to read a few more safe, comfy, moderated BR threads. :wink:
    I may be a minority of one but that doesn't prevent me from being right.
  • ha stay tuned on lfgss for a link to this thread, for more responses such as that above.... :wink:

    i think every forum i use has humour and toungue in cheek comments, that one seems alot more tounge-inbetween-cheeks comments / threads etc. As you mention though, plenty of useful and genuinely helpful threads on there such as the locking bike one you mention, just plenty to ignore aswell. guess its the same with any forum though.
  • Ber Nard
    Ber Nard Posts: 827
    I thought that technically fixed gear and single speed are the same thing; on a single speed bike your choice of gear is fixed.

    The difference is between fixed wheel, where the sprocket(s) are fixed to the wheel so have to move with it, and free wheel, where the sprocket(s) can move freely of the wheel.

    That's how I understand it, but I'm happy to be corrected.

  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    It is probably a London thing.

    If you subject them to overcrowding and intense competition for resources, most mammals end up fighting and snarling at one another.

    Just look at what happens to them when an already crowded tube train pulls into a station. :wink:

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • AndyF16
    AndyF16 Posts: 506
    Ber Nard wrote:
    I thought that technically fixed gear and single speed are the same thing; on a single speed bike your choice of gear is fixed.

    The difference is between fixed wheel, where the sprocket(s) are fixed to the wheel so have to move with it, and free wheel, where the sprocket(s) can move freely of the wheel.

    That's how I understand it, but I'm happy to be corrected.


    Phew, maybe it wasn't as retarded a question as I head feared then :wink::lol:
    2011 Bianchi D2 Cavaria in celeste (of course!)
    2011 Enigma Echo 57cm in naked Ti
    2009 Orange G2 19" in, erm orange
  • Just look at what happens to them when an already crowded tube train pulls into a station

    Only when some tw*t doesn't take off his s*dding great backpack :wink:
    I may be a minority of one but that doesn't prevent me from being right.
  • Just look at what happens to them when an already crowded tube train pulls into a station

    Only when some tw*t doesn't take off his s*dding great backpack :wink:

    Tee hee, I rearranged a van's nearside mirror whilst filtering the other day. I sort of twisted my body to miss the mirror but forgot that my rucksack was full of shopping. I had to go back and put it back in place with a very sheepish look on my face....

    Anyhow, I've found LFGSS to be useful for London news and I've found their ''rider down'' page more supportive than the Commuting threads on here. But I'd never ride fixed or single speed - I simply need gears to get up hills - even if they're London hills, which many people say don't even exist...
  • Smokin Joe
    Smokin Joe Posts: 2,706
    Ber Nard wrote:
    I thought that technically fixed gear and single speed are the same thing; on a single speed bike your choice of gear is fixed.

    The difference is between fixed wheel, where the sprocket(s) are fixed to the wheel so have to move with it, and free wheel, where the sprocket(s) can move freely of the wheel.

    That's how I understand it, but I'm happy to be corrected.

    No, the term fixed is used for a cycle without a freewheel. Anything else is just a single speed.
  • Evil Laugh
    Evil Laugh Posts: 1,412
    I like the forum. There's some comedy gold, v informative threads eg locks that work/stolen bikes, and it's a great resource for nice used frames and parts both geared and fg. I got mine and my girlfriend's steel frames from nice people on the forum.
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    I have been a member a while now as an ex Londoner they cherish some of my old racing grounds like Herne Hill etc.

    If you enter there you have to accept that you may get a reply that you don't like, but that is your decision, I read a lot more than I post.

    Their Classifieds section can sometimes turn up a real gem.

    I'm not into bike Polo but I do sometimes like to read reminisce about the good old days and have to laugh how they can relish an old Dawes or Falcon, when in my racing days we wouldn't have pished on one if it was on fire.

    Solid following of Campag so they have my vote, just beware if you post and don't take offence with them, it's just the way they are.
  • I find the LFGSS forum very amusing. They have good info on tyres, presumably because they enjoy skidding as a pastime.

    I also browse the google newsgroup "", which is a curious combination of the most technically-astute discussion about bicycles one can find anywhere on the internet, mixed with jaw-dropping rudeness.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,623
    Mark Elvin wrote:
    Has to be one of the most unfriendly forums I have ever been on, 80% of them are arrogant, rude, up themselves shisters.

    Maybe if you'd taken time to browse the forum before wading in and starting a new thread for your hideous bike then you might not have got the reaction you did?

    Instead you acted like a twat, threatened to flounce (like anyone gives a shit if you did or not) then hung around making snide comments.
  • And you spelt 'shysters' wrong :wink:
  • LFGSS use variety of acronyms that might have applied to the OP of this thread. He clearly failed to UTFS and discover that there is a thread devoted to current projects. Instead he posted his bike up and asked for opinions and received some very blunt ones.

    Rather than learn from the experience he took umbrage with the comments received, thus garnering further feedback on his bike and his lack of sense of humour regarding the whole issue. Then for everyone's amusement he starts a thread here on bikeradar.

    Lfgss should be viewed through the bottom of a pint glass. Many of the people there actually socialise together and so the banter is mainly just that, banter. Starting inappropriate threads is like walking into a pub where you know no one and interrupting a group of friends conversation with something irrelevant. Probably not the best way to win friends and influence people. You can then retreat to the bar and buy a pint or stand and argue. Its probably best to STFU and HTFU rather than trying to take on a bunch of quick witted friends.
  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989

    :roll: :roll:

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • _Brun_
    _Brun_ Posts: 1,740
    This is all good stuff, and getting better. Keep it coming...
  • Balki
    Balki Posts: 1
    pure-james wrote:
    walking into a pub where you know no one and interrupting a group of friends conversation with something irrelevant.

    I do this
  • It's the same with any forum, there's always a few internet heroes. There's a few on here too. I'd have to concur with the fact that it's because they're all Londoners though since I'm a Manc.
  • andyp wrote:
    Mark Elvin wrote:
    Has to be one of the most unfriendly forums I have ever been on, 80% of them are arrogant, rude, up themselves shisters.

    Maybe if you'd taken time to browse the forum before wading in and starting a new thread for your hideous bike then you might not have got the reaction you did?

    Is there any need, really?
    2012 Cannondale Synapse
  • What is the going rate for a carbon whore?
  • Keep it civil please.

    I've already banned one poster whose first and only contribution to this forum was an ad hominem and threats in this thread.
    John Stevenson
This discussion has been closed.