POLOCINI-The Winter Sprinter- Sunday 6th March 2011-Cheshire



  • I normally ride and race downhill MTB and did the 30 mile with my mate to keep him company and we actuially did 37.5 miles and touched the outskirts of Macclesfield at one point due to a missing sign!! We would have made top 5 if we'd only done the 30 miles - ha!

    We also went past other riders going in the opposite direction on the southern loop, so we're not sure who was going in the right direction and we only went past the feed station once, whereas the map indicates we should have passed it twice at the start and finish of the loop. We also wanted to do Swiss Hill and didn't see any sign posting for that on the 30 mile route.

    Apart from the crap signage it was a great event and I thoroughly enjoyed my first foray into 'the dark side' :D
    Team Ticket2ridebc.com/Descent-Gear.com
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  • polocini
    polocini Posts: 201
    Get a thread up. Loads of people have good advice.
    I put one up in cake stop called 'i had an argument with a transit van and lost'.
    It's a shame it's the back end as we could have done a cut and shut job with mine! The police have 'filed' my incident. I haven't had the heart to do anything about it for a few days.

    As for the offer, I don't need volunteers I need workers. I paid everyone at the event and made sure they were fed and watered. It really gets my back up that some big events use volunteers. If you fancy kegs and legs I'll throw in a bottle of Polocini Sprinter ale as well!!

    How long until you are riding again?? Have you got a spare bike??

  • I have a Trek 1.5 which I use to commute on so not completely bike-less. I go back to work on the 23rd march and will have a go at getting out on the bike shortly after then. Hopefully I should be ok though I'm expecting some discomfort from the injured areas. I've got plenty of ibuprofen and co codamol so will keep on with those. I'm more upset cos my bianchi wasn't insured properly ( as I've just found out) so it all hangs on my getting it back in damages.

    I'm more gutted about my bike and the fact I'll miss Flanders now because of it :cry:

    I'll do my best to keep you to that beer fella :D

    I'll have a read of your thread as well
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?