Founds A Great Way Of Attaching Cadence Magnet

Mark Elvin
Mark Elvin Posts: 997
edited December 2010 in Workshop
Probably been done before but here goes.

Didn't want the ugly zip tie affair on my cateye computer for the cadence nag, so I thought I'd epoxy it using B&Q own brand version of JB Weld.

Sa I lightly abraided to areas to be bonded & degreased, popped a blob of epoxy on the magnet & to my surprise it was pulled into a lovely, uniform thickness right across the face of the magnet, the epoxy is magnetic.

So, I popped it onto the crank area, dribbled some over the magnet & encased the whole thing in a thin, uniform covering of epoxy, way neater than a zip tie.
2012 Cannondale Synapse


  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    sounds great - until you need to remove it...

    "next week - how to avoid those fiddly split links, by joining your chain with a spot welder.."
  • rake
    rake Posts: 3,204
    a really neat way i discovered was most pedals (or mine do in any case) have a 6mm allen key hole in the end of the pedal axle, so i purchase some 6mm cylindrical neodemium magnets and they sit perfectly in the hole held firmly by the magnet,(steel axle) but could be invisibly glued in. it sits totally flush with the axle end which works fine with my custom made bracket bolted to the bottle cage i could choose a perfect gap. i suppose you could get a taller 6mm maget so it stuck out further. you would be hard put to notice it even looking closely at the frame. il try and get some pics. nice to know the chemical metal is magnetic, might come in usefull some time.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    I found my cadence magnet was (bizarrely) magnetic, so it magically just stuck to the pedal axle with no cable ties or glue.
    I like bikes...

  • John.T
    John.T Posts: 3,698
    12mm neodemium magnets fit nicely onto the end of the pedal spindle and end up flush with the crank. It is almost invisible and can not get knocked off. Works a treat. I got 10 for less than £3.50 off E-bay.
  • I found my cadence magnet was (bizarrely) magnetic, so it magically just stuck to the pedal axle with no cable ties or glue.

    And with ti pedal spindles???????
    2012 Cannondale Synapse
  • moonshine
    moonshine Posts: 1,022
    a little blob of silicone sealant works a treat.... and is removable.
  • billysan
    billysan Posts: 575
    I use the magnet part of a cateye wheel magnet and epoxy'd it into the 6mm hex key hole in the end of the pedal axle. Can still fit/remove the pedals with the 15mm flats.

    Works fine and looks tidy.