Polka Dot Challenge-"Spud" Riley Memorial Sportive

shy tot
shy tot Posts: 111
Entries for the Polka Dot open tomorrow - 12th December. On line entry and electronic timing this year. Entry fee £25, all money raised to Christie's Cancer Hospital.
Go to our website:


  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    Signed up as I have heard good things about your ride.
    Hopefully well and truly signed as there are more twists and turns than my brain can cope with... remapping on mapmyride shows a break in route after Carlton to Ilam?
    That aint a nasty rock strewn path is it? close to manifold.
    (I aint a beardy audaxer with roll of bog paper on handlebars you see)
  • shy tot
    shy tot Posts: 111
    Well signed.route, and all rideable. No rock strewn paths
  • fish156
    fish156 Posts: 496
    The Polka Dot Challenge. It's where it all began for me. One drunken New Year's Eve a group of us said we'd do it. Foolishly(?) on New Year's Day I entered. Funnily enough none of the others did. :roll:

    That was the start of the obsession; the training, the sportives, giving a substantial part of my weekly wage to various bike shops, the road rash, the shaved legs, the racing, the suffering.

    And all because I entered the Polka Dot Challenge.

    Enjoy the ride ;-)
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    This is the Spud Riley route though isn't it ? great route and better than the Polka Dot course. No worries about the signs - I liked the signs at foot of every significant hill, you soon rattle them off..
  • shy tot
    shy tot Posts: 111
    Yes it's the "Spud" Riley route. Mainly on quiet "B" roads with very little traafic.
  • Cipodog
    Cipodog Posts: 29
    This ride was the original "Spud" ride which was run in Sep. however, when it got to much to do 2 events I decided to put them together on the same date as the original Polkadot but on the "Spud" course as this is on quieter roads & is the better from a scenic point of view & tougher (when our group used to ride it it took approx 1hr longer than the Polkadot for the same distance) Yes, 1ml of the road between top of Calton & Ilam is a bit rougher than the rest but we road on fairly light wheels (Kyserium SL) without any problems. There will be 120 direction arrows & the usual signs at the base of the 16 classified climbs showing the Name/No./distance to top etc.---It takes us 8hrs to sign it & another 8 to take them down!!
    Entries are coming in nice & steady so if you want to ride a good friendly, tough sportive this is the one for you.---www.polkadotchallenge.co.uk
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    The road into the back of Ilam is a highlight for me !

    ...just be a bit wary going into the farmyard and beware of wandering sheep (hint : sheep don't have a reverse gear so if they're going to blunder into your path it tends to be forwards)
  • Entries coming nice & steady for this years ride--240 to date--Any of you who can't get in the Dragon Ride(Full) come & do this---its tough(16 official climbs)but easily do-able & thro' some of the best countryside you'll find in the UK. £25--all to charity---go to www.polkadotchallenge.co.uk for a good website & all details.