Pre Ride checks

edited December 2010 in MTB general
I'm off for a ride on Saturday but I havent got time to completely clean my bike so I'm going to clean and re lube my chain, clean my discs and re align the callipers any thing else?
Just ride.


  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    why would you realign the calipers?

    it just means you will need to bed them in again.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • To stop rubbing.
    Just ride.
  • delta5
    delta5 Posts: 265
    Tyres / pressure ok? Stem ok? Seat clamp ok? Gears changing ok? Brakes feel ok? Shock settings ok?
    Depends how long since you last rode and what the conditions were like - how filthy is it and how long has it been that way?

    Best to work out a routine, for example following the shape 'M' where you start at front wheel / axle / QR, up forks to headset / bars / controls, down to to BB / chainset, up to seat, down to rear wheel / shock / mech / QR, checking everything along the way.

    Also find it best to check immediately after each ride while the odd noises & grumbles are fresh in my mind, so if anything needs fixing there's time to get it sorted properly before the next ride.
    My abundant supply of MTFU is reserved for use in dry, sunny conditions.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    FODCADEMON wrote:
    To stop rubbing.

    well that is not a pre ride check it is maintenance. and maybe you should be looking at what is causing the rubbing rather than just trying to hide it.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • underdog
    underdog Posts: 292
    What the hell? I checky there is air in the tyres and go, I have a multi took and a pump for anything that might go wrong.
  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    I don't do any preride checks other than backpedal to see if anythings jammed. That rules out most of the drivetrain for issues.
  • I usually just make sure that neither of the mechs are seized. I might give each tyre a sqeeze for good luck.

    In these freezing conditions best to make sure the disc brakes are working before going too fast.
    More freerange chicken than Freeride God
    Bighit , 5 , BFe
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    QR clamps tight, tyres not too soft, brakes work, chain moves.

    Job done. Ride.
  • scale20
    scale20 Posts: 1,300
    deadkenny wrote:
    QR clamps tight, tyres not too soft, brakes work, chain moves.

    Job done. Ride.

    +1 :)
    Niner Air 9 Rigid
    Whyte 129S 29er.
  • meesterbond
    meesterbond Posts: 1,240
    Push thumb in tyre.. .quick ride round car park to check nothing falls off... off you go.

    To be fair though, the bike's done well if it's been cleaned since the last ride...
  • Push thumb in tyre.. .quick ride round car park to check nothing falls off... off you go.

    + Potato with the addition if making sure my Strada wireless speedo works and that my under saddle bag is fitted.
  • At this time of year I simply check the bike ain't frozen, chain to the cassette, brake levers spring back correctly, shifters can change gear, whether or not I can make adjustments on the fork settings or is that froze too? :x

    In fact, I'm so fed up with sub zero problems I've started keeping whichever bike I'll use next day indoor overnight.

    Oh, and occasionally check suspension and tyre pressure too. :D
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    Squeeze the tyres. If the last ride was particularly hard I might try the brakes and push down on the forks.
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,786
    I ride it down the drive to the car and if it seems ok then I chuck it in the car, if there's a problem I chuck it in the car anyway and hope it fixes itself on the journey.
  • timpop
    timpop Posts: 394
    If you're going to clean your chain you might as well give your chain rings, cassette and mech a quick clean too. Then check the gears work, thumb into tires and check your shocks.
    Have fun!
    Many happy trails!
  • Ha, mine has to be cleaned after every ride.

    Pretty fair reall as it lives on the girlfriends side of the bedroom :D

    How many of you would get away with that??????