Myers Briggs Type Indicators

rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
edited December 2010 in The bottom bracket
Anyone use these, or been made to use them?

It's a quite interesting way to look at people. Especially when you argue with people on the forum, who have different ways of approaching arguments and dealing and processing information/evidence.

I doubt it works for everyone and it probably has limited value, but I find it interesting.

Anyone know what their 4 letter acronym is?


  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    I'm an ESTJ with the S and J particularly strongly expressed.

    It sounds about right, when I read what it means.

    Bikes: Donhou DSS4 Custom | Condor Italia RC | Gios Megalite | Dolan Preffisio | Giant Bowery '76
  • weapons
    weapons Posts: 367
    I've done these tests before as part of work - they certainly make you think about what other people are and how best to approach them.

    I think I was ISTJ if I remember correctly.
  • My wife is a MBTI practitioner and soon after we got together I got her to run the test on me as I find that sort of thing interesting anyway. There are certain parts of life were we both handle things very differently and I believe knowing the reasons behind this has saved many arguments, or at least stopped them early as we realise we were just doing what is natural to us.

    I also find it interesting at work, watching how other people behave etc. It has been especially helpful with one or two 'interesting' characters at work that other people have difficulty dealing with despite them being very good at their job.

    I'm an ISTJ but I can do a good impression of an E when needed and my S is borderline with N.
  • hugo15
    hugo15 Posts: 1,101
    I'm ISTJ

    I have found them then quite useful in understanding how other people in my team think and work.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    According to my missus who knows about these things, mine is C*NT
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,204
    ESTJ although the E and the J were borderline.
  • -spider-
    -spider- Posts: 2,548
    ENTP Borderline on the E and P. I have found it to be very useful especially when you can chat to someone else who also understands the system.

    It is great to understand where people are coming from.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Never heard of this, just done a couple of tests and it says I'm ENFP. Not a clue what this means either!!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    :shock: :shock:

    Just read a few descriptions of what it says I am and they are scarily accurate when I look at myself objectively!
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    edited December 2010
    I'm another ISTJ. Very strongly 'I' (introverted) and very strongly 'J' (judging) IIRC. Can't remember what the 'T' even stands for.

    Looks like ISTJs are the types to hang around on cycling internet forums! I've long thought that it is possible to generalise about types of personalities which take part in different hobbies. For some reason I've always felt that amateur dramatics enthusiasts are the polar opposites of cyclists, but I'll admit that might be down to a strong adverse reaction I had to a friend's husband who was a keen "am-drammer"!

  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    NapoleonD wrote:
    Never heard of this, just done a couple of tests and it says I'm ENFP. Not a clue what this means either!!
    Well, that makes you and me polar opposites. Are you a closet am-drammer? (Thinking of that wig you wore in that hill-climb I may know the answer to that question.)

  • fleshtuxedo
    fleshtuxedo Posts: 1,860
    ENTJ and proud :)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    BeaconRuth wrote:
    Well, that makes you and me polar opposites.

    I.e. you are fast and I am veeeeeeery slow!

    I can't stand am-dram btw!
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    edited December 2010
    very expressed extravert
    moderately expressed intuitive personality
    distinctively expressed thinking personality
    moderately expressed judging personality

    Famous ENTJs:
    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Richard M. Nixon
    Lamar Alexander (US Senator)
    Les Aspen, former U.S. Secretary of Defense
    Candace Bergen (Murphy Brown)
    Jim Carrey (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask)
    Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff
    Harrison Ford
    Sean Connery
    Newt Gingrich
    Whoopi Goldberg
    Benny Goodman, "Big Band" leader
    Al Gore (U.S Vice President, 1993-2001)
    Penn Jillette
    Steve Jobs
    Dave Letterman
    Steve Martin
    General Norman Schwarzkopf
    Patrick Stewart (STNG: Jean Luc Picard)
    Margaret Thatcher
    Robert James Waller (author: The Bridges of Madison County)
    Sigourney Weaver

    That'll do..............
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    INFP, and that sounds quite realistic to me.
  • INFJ

    This could be a long game of snap...
  • fleshtuxedo
    fleshtuxedo Posts: 1,860
    MattC59 wrote:

    Margaret Thatcher

    The same as me? :evil: . I've suddenly gone off Myers and I don't think much of that Briggs now either.
  • INFJ

    Me too, law & education is me. Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa & Nicole Kidman are my celebrity homies
  • INTJ
  • beverick
    beverick Posts: 3,461
    I've done enough of these to be able to be any classifcation I want.

    I did it on two job applications in 2008. I managed to get the appropriate grading for both jobs I was interviewed for even though the requirements were fundamentally different (ISTJ and ENTP).

    It confused the f*** out of the HR types.......

  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Interesting - surprised to see so many ENTJs

    For what it's worth, Armstrong was a ISTP.
  • I'm an OOPS
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    INFP - the questions were hard :oops: - was more extroverted many moons ago though - changes over time I suppose. If I was earning 100 k a year, I'd be extroverted again :D (the questions were'nt nuanced enough tbf).
  • isfp
    now need to find out who i am...
  • Another ISTJ here...
  • Snake Oil, anyone???
    The older I get the faster I was
  • I'm a MEHHHHH could'nt give a sheeeiiittt about this BOOOOLLLLOCCKKKSSSS
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    Take it with a pinch of salt, but I came out as a INTJ and surprisingly I'm in one of the chosen career choices,
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • tom34
    tom34 Posts: 24
    You can answer the questions any way you want and of course get a different result. If you read the profiles accurately it does provide a good "guide" as to what your personality preference is. I think it just describes base characteristics as anybody can and will change over time.

    I've found it does help me not to just understand myself but more to understand others and how they relate to me.

    For example i'm INTP, one of the rarer types and it explains why I rarely am able to relate to others.