Sorry, but some "cyclists" are asking to get hit.



  • pintoo
    pintoo Posts: 145
    The OP's right - some people are idiots. They make their own safety everyone else's responsibility.

    Whether people in cars use their phones while driving or not is not an issue. It is illegal for a good reason. Just because there are no rozzers out there enforcing the law doesn't mean it's not the law. Cyclists have no more right to do it than anyone else. And frankly - if it's that important, stop and talk. Otherwise, pick up your voicemail later on. The same should apply to pedestrians when using a phone. Stop, then talk or text. Don't walk on with your face in a phone, expecting the World to move out of your way.

    Another thing - the Law is dispassionate. It has to be to stop these wailing sessions about HUMANITY and THINK OF THE CHILDREN and I'VE LOST SOMEONE! Dealing with these things with rationality is what being a mature member of society is about. Or "grown up" if you will.
  • jeremyrundle
    jeremyrundle Posts: 1,014
    spen666 wrote:

    Jeremy, you are misleading yourself.

    Clearly my comments have gone completely over your head, when you mature (I hope) you will see what I mean or at least understand.

    I stated that if I killed someone by the selfish lowlife act of using a phone or drinking or eating behind the wheel, I would think myself a MURDERER, it would not be an accident, I recklessly killed someone, perhaps a cyclist here by doing something I did not need to, do not tell me how I should feel, you are not me.

    If more people felt that way less would drink and drive, use phones, put on makeup, eat sandwiches etc when driving and not kill innocent peds/cyclists etc.

    No as I said I am not perfect just thoughtful.

    Respond as much as you wish, I close here.
    Peds with ipods, natures little speed humps

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  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    spen666 wrote:

    Jeremy, you are misleading yourself.

    Clearly my comments have gone completely over your head, when you mature (I hope) you will see what I mean or at least understand.

    I stated that if I killed someone by the selfish lowlife act of using a phone or drinking or eating behind the wheel, I would think myself a MURDERER, it would not be an accident, I recklessly killed someone, perhaps a cyclist here by doing something I did not need to, do not tell me how I should feel, you are not me.
    Jeremy, you are just proving my point. You are missleading yourself if you think in those circumstances you are a murderer. You may be a killer, you may be to be condemned, but you are only a murderer if you commit a murder.

    its a simple construction of words

    If more people felt that way less would drink and drive, use phones, put on makeup, eat sandwiches etc when driving and not kill innocent peds/cyclists etc.

    No as I said I am not perfect just thoughtful.

    Respond as much as you wish, I close here.

    As i have said, I do not seek to justify of in anyway condone the actions
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  • pintoo wrote:
    Whether people in cars use their phones while driving or not is not an issue. It is illegal for a good reason. Just because there are no rozzers out there enforcing the law doesn't mean it's not the law. Cyclists have no more right to do it than anyone else...
    Yes we do, because using a mobile whilst cycling is not illegal, with or without hands-free.