Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge

rusty nuts
rusty nuts Posts: 49
I was lucky enought to be able to take part in last weeks Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge in New Zealand.

160km/100mile 1400m climbing.

Well organised event with around 6000 riders doing the "solo" event. The 30deg tempratures didn't help, tarmac was melting on the run in to the finish!

Incidentally there is no food or energy drinks at the refreshment stops nor do you get a finishers medal for your $95/£47 entry fee. So we really are spoilt here in the UK.

Getting back to the freezing cold wasn't nice.


  • KKB
    KKB Posts: 28
    So you only did ONE lap!

    The 8 lap 1280km version didn't appeal? :lol: