Marmotte Entries Now Open For 2011

The organisers of 'La Marmotte', Sportcommunication, have opened entries for the 2011 event.

The website:

1.On home page, click on 'GRAND TROPHEE/CYCLING EVENTS'.
2.You can choose language by clicking on flag, top right.
3.Go to 'REGISTRATIONS' on the toolbar and choose how you would like to enter event (ON LINE or MAIL).
4.You will be asked for your name and surname. If you have never previously taken part in a Sportcommunication event, you will have to then click on MY NAME DOES NOT APPEAR ON THE LIST.
5. Fill out your personal details on the first page, address, etc. (CP is your postal code). In the drop-down box choose whether you have a licence or not and if so, which type of licence (for a foreign licence choose ETRANGERE). If you do not have a licence, choose NON LICENCIE, you will then have to send a copy of a medical certificate from your doctor stating that you are fit to compete in such events OR have your GP sign a copy of the on-line form provided by Sportcommunications: Send a scan of your medical certificate or licence or by post:Top Club, BP 24025, 69615 Villeurbanne CEDEX, France. Don't forget to write your Sportcommunications ID number on this.
6. On the following page, tick the Sportcommunication event/s that you would like to enter. If this is just La Marmotte you must tick the box under the heading LA MARMOTTE 'MASTER 174km'.
7. On that same page check the box if you require insurance. If you would like a timing chip for the event, check the box that says 'CAUTION PUCE CHRONOMETRAGE 10.00 € x RACES'. This will give you a timing chip for the Marmotte and any other Sportcommunication events that you take part in during 2011. This will cost an extra 10€ which is refunded on returning the chip at the end of the race/s. If you already have a chip, enter the number in the section that says 'BRACELET DE CHRONOMETRAGE WinningTime 0.00 € N°....'
8. Finally, on that page read and select/agree to the last 4 statements of race rules and regulations.
9. On the next page, check your details. On this page you also get given the chance to add another rider (Add a new registration). If you do not need to add another rider, click on the payment button to enter your credit card details.
10. You will normally be sent a confirmation E-mail and an on-line letter with your ID details. On the day that you collect your race number and timing chip it is helpful to have a copy of this letter from Sportcommunications as well as a copy of your race licence or medical certificate.

Be patient! The site will be very busy and can sometimes crash due to traffic. And remember, the earlier you enter, the lower the race number you are issued and the nearer to the front and earlier you get to start on the day.

Good luck! Helyn & Guy, King of the Mountains