How far can you go on a Bianchi Via Nirone?

fred22 Posts: 509
edited February 2011 in Road beginners
Nope, not distance wise but upgrade wise? Realistically?

I was thinking about a new set of wheels for mine. I have the sora model from 2008/9 and is standard apart from a new specialized saddle. So I thought ~£200 for some fulcrums. New tyres would be another 40 or so.

Then I thought that those sora thumbshifters are depressing once you get used to drop handlebars so they need to go. Replacement Tiagra or 105 sti levers and possibly new 10 speed rear mech and cassette would be around, what?, £300 or more?

New handlebars because the bends in the standard one dont suit my hands, another £60 for some anatomic with a flat wing

And thats 600 or more pounds.

Theres loads of Via Nirone owners on here so I am interested who's done what to theirs, and who has gone the furthest.

At what (price) point does it become more sensible to consider a new bike on the cyclescheme -where does the frame become the limiter?


  • Chiggy
    Chiggy Posts: 261
    If the frame + fork is less than 1700g, you should be able to get a UCI illegal bike out of it.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,544
    imho feels like a lot to spend vs. the price of the bike

    had a quick look on ebay, nirones seem to be going for around 400 quid

    add 600, you've got 1000

    might be worth considering selling old one, buy secondhand bike with higher spec, or get a frame and build up with exactly the bits you want

    although if you can sell your old bits on ebay then keeping the nirone frame would let you splurge more on upgrade bits
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • nochekmate
    nochekmate Posts: 3,460
    Chiggy wrote:
    If the frame + fork is less than 1700g, you should be able to get a UCI illegal bike out of it.

    Not sure of the weight of frame & fork of the Nirone (no time to google it at the moment) but I wouldn't be convinced that he could build it up to a UCI illegal bike for £600 given that he would have to buy a decent groupset and wheels to achieve it.

    To the OP - the Nirone is quite a nice bike for the money but I'm not sure that it warrants a £600 upgrade. A quality frame is arguably the most important aspect of a bike.
  • Philby
    Philby Posts: 328
    Might be worth saving for a new bike and using the Bianchi as your winter ride.

    I have a Via Nirone (but 105 / Ultegra - so no issues with the groupset) and have only upgraded the Conti Ultra Sport to Conti GP4000S when the Ultra's wore through. I will upgrade the wheels (on mine they are Shimano R-500s) to something like Pro-Lite Braccianos or some handbuilts, but only once they were very well worn or get damaged.

    Realistically you also need to consider how much you will get if you sell the bits on your current bike - I can't imagine they would make a significant monetary contribution towards your proposed upgrades.

    Upgrading your groupset seems one expensive stage too far relative to the price you paid for the original bike.
  • Trading up to a better second-hand bike is invariably better value than a big upgrade. Manufacturers get big discounts on parts, so you can rarely build a bike for less than you could buy one new. Factor in the relatively high depreciation on mid-range road bikes and it's a bit of a no-brainer. A new pair of bars or a saddle make absolute sense, but if you're changing the groupset you might as well flog it.

    Sold recently on eBay:

    Very clean Boardman Team, Ultegra all round, brand new chain and cassette, £441
    Litespeed Avior, full Dura-Ace, handbuilt Hope wheelset, £673
    Near-mint Specialized Allez Comp, barely ridden, full 10sp 105, £500
  • The most important part of any bike, IMO, is the fit. If this frame fits you and you are happy with the ride, then why not upgrade it. Yes, financially, it makes little sense to spend a load of money on it but it is much more personal than that.

    If you have a good frame that you are happy with it, then bolt on whatever you want to. A new bike, or a second hand one, may be better value wise but might not be as nice to ride.

    Just my opinion.

  • IMHO hardly worth significant upgrades on a bike costing £400-500 retail.
    The only upgrade that I've ever done is a new set of tyres and a set of carbon forks.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    You'd be largely throwing the money away there.

    As someone said - keep the Bianchi as a winter bike and if you have the £600 - save a bit longer for a flashier model for the summer.

    When you say the bars dont suit you - do you ride the drops that often ? Most people spend +90% of their ride time on the hoods so the shapes not that important.

    If your gears work - then I'd stay with them to be honest. A gruppo upgrade is very expensive compared to what a bike manufacturere pays for the set - so thats the better value.

    Wheels ? Look at the Planet X Type B - cheaper option but well thought of if you fancy it. I'd maybe do wheels and tyres cos you could take those with you to your next bike.
  • Erudin
    Erudin Posts: 136
    Getting handlebars that fit you is well worth it, I did not like the anatomic bars on my Bianchi so got some NOS shallow drop bars, got some fitted on my Audax/winter bike too.

    As for shifters loads of auctions come up on Ebay if you are patient.
  • Do what you like with it.

    I'm very much an upgrader and tweaker, but you can always move stuff around bikes and a good spares box is essential IMO.
  • I'm buying bits (carbon bars/ stem/ seatpost/ fizik saddle) as they come up on ebay - I got them at good prices and great condition. I'm happy with the fit so feel it's worth upgrading at the right price, just waith-ing for Record levers and cable and I'm all set
  • I have one. Have upgraded the wheels and hubs as the standard ones are pants. Woudl recommend a brake upgrade (def the front) and a tyre upgrade. Mine has a tiagra set which is fine for me. Don't think you can do much more that that to them. Really like mine :)
  • markmod
    markmod Posts: 501
    Might be worth saving for a new bike and using the Bianchi as your winter ride.

    Tis what I have done... I have a compatible hub on summer bike and spare set of best best wheels for summer bike that allow me to fit the others to the via narone when weather turns warmer and road salt/ corrosion dies down. The bog standard ambrosia wheels take the worst uk winter can chuck at them
    As they are heavy.... Best of both worlds i find....
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Philby wrote:
    Might be worth saving for a new bike and using the Bianchi as your winter ride.
    +1 to this quote, I almost bought the via narone but decided to do the upgrade before I bought the bike, rather than after so went for a carbon framed bianchi, even then still lots of upgrading to do from standard, will the spending ever end!!!!
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • sopworth
    sopworth Posts: 191
    I'm in the same position as the OP. I bought my Nirone last June which has the Sora G/S. I love the frame and forks but the wheels are weak and the shifters are clunky and poor after many miles use. I want to upgrade the wheels but am looking for 2nd hand 105 parts to make it a 10 speed. I am still worried I may be throwing money away but the wheels defo need upgrading, especially as I'm doing LETJOG in September and will probably use my Bianchi.
  • Upgrades won't be worth what you think when it comes to selling, so... upgrade the wheels, but keep the original ones for when you come to sell the bike... then you get to keep what you invested in upgrading the bike.
    I'm at that difficult age... somewhere between birth and death.
  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    I've got the Veloce version, which is better all round to start with, but the only thing I've changed are the seatpost (twice, really must buy a torque wrench...)
    The saddle three times, still can't find one comfortable enough for 60 plus rides, and the tyres which went straight away.
    New wheels would be the only thing I'd buy with a view to putting them on a new bike.
    So I've decided it's going on e-bay to fund the purchase of a Sempre...
    No point beating around the bush!
  • My Via Nirone has a Tiagra groupset. I wouldn't upgrade it as it works perfectly well. I have changed the seat as the original was horrid. I have new tyres and a new back wheel (changed under warranty).

    If I ever reach the point where am considering expensive upgrades then it's time for a new bike and the Bianchi will become a winter steed.
  • pst88
    pst88 Posts: 621
    I've got the Xenon version, completely stock. Was toying with the idea of upgrading to Veloce (or higher) with either second hand parts or any bargains I can find but haven't bothered yet. The bike as is is perfectly fine and any more expensive parts would purely be an indulgence rather than any actual performance gain. Only thing I might consider replacing is the wheels but really I have no problems with the stock wheels (Ambrosio). I'll probably wait till something breaks or I'm feeling particularly flush with cash.
    Bianchi Via Nirone Veloce/Centaur 2010
  • Wulz
    Wulz Posts: 100
    my mate runs the same frame with 105 shifters,mechs and brakes but fsa crank and its a very nice setup.

    in my twisted opinion i would not go much further if cash is involved, but if bits are available for good money then go for it.


