Training/winter wheels advice

harpo Posts: 173
edited November 2010 in Road buying advice
I'm looking at getting a second set of wheels for the bike. I have a pair of Mavic Aksium Race wheels that I'm not that impressed with, they feel a bit weak and wobbly so going to have them looked at as well. To be fair to them they've covered about 4300 miles without any problems to date. Even when they are tightened up I thought I could still do with another pair. I want something strong but not too heavy.

So a local wheel builder will make a pair of handbuilt wheels of Kinlin rims with Ambrosio hubs at £190 for the pair and weighing 1730g 28/32 spokes. I've got no experience of these makes, does anyone have an opinion??

Off the peg options I was looking at Factory built Ultegra wheels which come in at about £230, 1652g 16/20 spokes. Or Fulcrum racing 5 wheels £180, 1760g 24/27 for the 2010 version or £207 for the 2011 version.

So what do you think? Handbuilt? A different handbuilt option? Off the shelve option of those above or another?


  • Is Harry Rowland the wheelbuilder? If so he won't sell rubbish so you'll get an excellent pair of very well built wheels. Dunno about the rims but the hubs are good.
  • harpo
    harpo Posts: 173
    Yeah Harry Rowland. I am leaning that way as he built my touring wheels and they have been solid. He was a nice guy and local enough to taken them back for a good quality service.

    Was just looking for another view point or two.