beginner info on new bike

shdaxner Posts: 249
edited November 2010 in Road beginners
hi all. im new to cycling and am looking into getting a road bike for the commute to work and also starting to cycle as a hobbie, if im honest im fat and lazy and do not want too spend too much as i may not carry it on for too long, ive found a bike that i like the look of but i know looks are nothing in this game. as i know nothing of specs and so on, i would like some feedback as to what all you hardened cyclists think of it?



  • nochekmate
    nochekmate Posts: 3,460
    I'd use your £300 and buy a secondhand Specialized Allez (Elite) instead. Greater spec on the Allez and just a better bike all round.
  • rc856
    rc856 Posts: 1,144
    Welcome to the forum :)
    Hopefully you'll stick with it. If you can make it through the winter then it'll be even better once the weather improves.
    Have you watched anything like the Tour de France before?
    You could find a lot of clips on YouTube for inspiration!
  • bobtbuilder
    bobtbuilder Posts: 1,537
    nochekmate wrote:
    I'd use your £300 and buy a secondhand Specialized Allez (Elite) instead. Greater spec on the Allez and just a better bike all round.


    For your budget secondhand is definitely the way to go.

    Get yourself sized at a bike shop then scour Ebay for a bargain.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Definitely second hand.

    And looks are almost everything in this game!
  • shdaxner
    shdaxner Posts: 249
    Thanks for all the replies i had a look through all the classifieds on a few websites and as much as i would love a specialized allez all the examples i found in my budget were not my cuppa tea. In fact i was struggling too find any decent road bikes for my budget so i had a look for hybrids and found a 2010 giant rapid 4 for 160 pound in new condition and was just wondering what you lot think of this as a starter bike just for commuting and working on my fitness. Cheers everyone
  • Hybrids are good to get started on. It's a much more relaxed geometry than a road bike with drop bars. My thing is, make sure its a somewhat sporty hybrid, not a comfort bike, which are heavy typically and not ideal for what I think you're looking to do. I can tell you from experience (I got into cycling and road bikes about a year ago), it's better to get a more quality bike, even from the get go, than it is to go cheap and "see" if you'll like it. I say this for 2 reasons........1) with better components, you'll find yourself enjoying your rides much more and can upgrade more easily if you deem worthy. 2) if you decide the sport is not for you ( I doubt it), the better bike will hold it's value so you can get your money back if you sold it. Either way, make sure you get out there and ride. You'll thank yourself later. Good luck!
  • shdaxner
    shdaxner Posts: 249
    Thanks for the reply darth. As far as i can gather it is more sporty and road than mtb its basically an entry level flat barred road bike although it has things on the handlebars which look like the old bullbars it looks more road anyway. It has road tyres too. It normally sells for 400 ish and im gettin it for 160 so i think ill take a punt and hope its worth it now all i need is a helmet some high vis windproof clothes and some decent lights and ill be on my way. Any tips on any of the kit i just mentioned would be appreciated cheers again folks