Good Morning Cretins

Gazlar Posts: 8,083
edited November 2010 in The Crudcatcher
Up for Work, again

went to a mates birthday bash last night, it decended into casual violence and extreeme wedgieing, fortunately on this occasion I had to stay sober.

The downside is I'm knackered this morning, but double bubble Sunday is keeping me going
Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt


  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,286
    sounds like you had a fun night.

    I am knackered as we went to the family bonfire last night followed by friends coming over. Way too much ale was drunk and as the clock passed 3 and I remembered that the kids are up at 6.............. :(
  • Morning clowns.....

    Just got up, didnt go to bed til about 1:00 though so not too bad.

    Nowt going on today TBH... about to consumer some coffee then see whats on TV I guess. Legs better but still no riding allowed so am gutted about that.

    Apart from that expecting a light drizzle of MEH around lunchtime, follwed by a North Easterly MEHS around 4:00.... ;)
  • Pigstuffs (in the shape of a sausage sarnie with chilli ketchup) and coffee has been consumed :) Feeling better already!!!!

    Still hungry though... :(:lol:
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    riding today mixed with abit of diggng.just having a coffee after a bacon sandwich
  • El Capitano
    El Capitano Posts: 6,400
    Good Morning Freaks!

    Just consumed a couple of pies for breakfast. Large lump of pig is in the oven for lunch. Not much planned for the rest of the day as the family's coming over for lunch - although I anticipate some Nerf related carnage... :twisted:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    wife RE brought home a delicious McD's breakfast for me on her way home from her night shift.

    im off for a nice long frosty walk with the hounds

    then cook a sunday dinner.
  • Today is PERFECT weather for a nice long road ride..... but still can't I am royally pissed off about that.. these are the Crispy, chilly but sunny days that are meant for riding...

    Hopefully next weekend it will be as good and I can go out on the new steed to clock some miles up!!!!

    Just wrapped up the cannondale ready to ship to its new owner, and am watching something for the weekend....

    I love dossy Sundays
  • IcarusGreen
    IcarusGreen Posts: 1,486
    The missus made me a fry up for brunch, I'm still chilling in my dressing gown and thinking of going for a blast through the woods before settling down for the F1 & Moto GP,
    + 1001 posts reset by the cruel cruel moderators!

    Giant Trance X4 (2010)
    Giant SCR 02 (2006)
  • schmako
    schmako Posts: 1,982
    Quick nip through the local woods, pretty wet/muddy. But good fun, hadn't been down the part of the woods I went along today in ages. Now for some xbox action, followed by a chinese takeaway tonight. Sorted!