Help needed with Campag Hiddenset in a CAAD 7 frame.....

roadiesean Posts: 577
edited November 2010 in Workshop

I'm trying to fit a Campag hiddenset to my CAAD 7 frame, the bearing faces fit perfectly, but the top race sits about 1.5mm proud of the top of the headtube, is this right ?? I would think that the cap would sit flush with the top of the headtube, but even it sits about 1mm above the headtube.

Am I doing something wrong here ? The bottom race fits perfectly on the crown race and neatly inside the headtube, but the top.....doesn't.

Any ideas here guys ?



  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Are you sure you have the right spec of headset / bearings - there are loads. Have you compared new bearings with old? Download the Headset guide from the FSA website which has all the key dimensions which might help with ID. Finally I wouldn't worry about the gap as long as the headset can be tighten to be smooth with no play.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Are you sure you have the right headset? Have you got too many shims in there?

    Generally there will be a small gap to prevent the top-cap binding.