Cumbrian Christmas Cracker

Variance Posts: 130
Is anyone doing this?

I did it last year and it was very tough

The link says undulating but that should read very hilly.

The weather was freezing last year too but I'll be back for more this year ... s-cracker/


  • Is the route the same as last year?

    my memory of looking at it was north from carlisle - this goes south from grasmere - or am i confusing it with something else?
  • Variance
    Variance Posts: 130
    This is the same route. I think you may be thinking of the Cumbrian Killer?
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    LittleB0b wrote:
    Is the route the same as last year?

    my memory of looking at it was north from carlisle - this goes south from grasmere - or am i confusing it with something else?

    You are thinking of the Cumberland Challenge. This has a loop south from the start at Brampton (near Carlisle) a return to Brampton and a loop north of the border. It takes place every September.
  • I've signed up for the Cracker but am hmm about whether to do it or not. But I'm doing the same organisation's duathlon the following Sunday for sure.
  • Variance
    Variance Posts: 130
    Full up now.

    By all acoounts its going to be a v cold affair once again!
  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    I'm signed up for this. Did it last year and I don't think it's all that hilly. There are none of the big lakes climbs in was very very cold though. Stunning views with the crisp clear sky of last year
  • Variance wrote:

    By all acoounts its going to be a v cold affair once again!

    I went to the Forest of Bowland today to help with 'acclimatisation'.Bright sunshine,no wind but painfully cold.I am now plotting a visit to LBS to equip with better weather proofing.
  • holker
    holker Posts: 88
    Snow arrived today.
  • Yeah i would say undulating without any of the lakes passes, mind last year missed out the toughest of the climbs on the route, Redbank at the start due to ice.

    Mind we had a dump of snow lastnight and forcast to be freezing all next week, Redbank gets abit of water running down it and it was snotty with leaves when i rode it last week so i bet they miss it out again if the weather keeps the same.

    Hopefully they won't cancel it.
  • Me first sportive, lookin forward to it, been gettin out in the cold,gettin used to pain in the extremities, roll on the 5th. Cant be that bad can it :)
  • Variance
    Variance Posts: 130
    Weather up here does not look great. I can see if being cancelled to be honest
  • killer, cracker, challenge - no wonder i was confused (bless) - thanks for steering me right
  • Well still snowing off and on up here.

    Some of the main roads are keeping clear, i''l be driving some of the roads used tomorrow, they may re route to keep on the main roads like last year, have to see nearer the time, if it packs up tomorrow it will hopefully be ok.

    I'm full of cold so won't be much fun!
  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    Think I've decided to skip it even if it is on. Last year was ok because even though it was very very cold it was dry and crisp, but with all the snow and the temps dropping even lower this year I'm not taking the risk.

    A few crashed last year on the ice as it was, and its only going to be worse this year, so I'm going to go sledging instead!
  • Variance
    Variance Posts: 130
    Did anyone do this?

    I bottled it by friday to be honest
  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    Called off and being run in February (I think) - you should have got an email on Friday with details and option to swap onto one of their other events.