OT: Bizarre injuries.....

gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
edited November 2010 in Commuting chat
A colleague of mine was just chatting to me about kids toys.....rather than the rugby scores at the weekend.

Anyway - the conversation shifted onto Xmas presents. It turns out that my colleague was bought the "Lego Star Destroyer" - the big one.

He avidly spent all day building the behemoth and developed RSI in his wrists from connecting Lego parts together. Then he had to have a trip to the GP and was prescribed physio/drugs to correct the problem.

Anyone else had a bizarre or toy related injury?


  • hatbeard
    hatbeard Posts: 1,087
    once as a young child, my cousins and I succumbed to boredom one lazy afternoon during the summer holidays and decided we'd play a mashup game of baseball, cricket and football using the metal pole from the lower half of a swing ball set.

    I was up to 'bat' and my cousin bowled the plastic football towards me and I gave it a solid thwack with the metal pole. the ball arced majestically across the street and I set about running up and down the allocated area we had set out for scoring 'runs'.

    as I was on my final return leg I was aware my cousin had retrieved the ball and fearful that I would be caught out I sped up whilst simultaneously extending the metal pole in front of me to touch in to the crease and remain safe.

    unexpectedly the pole dipped and the end caught on the road surface and stopped dead immediately. the other end of the pole which I had conveniently been holding at groin height very kindly helped bring me to a halt as well by inserting the folded metal tip neatly and painfully in the fold between my leg and my groin as I ran into it at great speed.

    I'm fairly certain one of my cousins actually fell to the floor at the same time as me purely from the effects of sympathetic pain. I couldn't walk properly for a good few weeks and the bruising remained for even longer than that.

    we retired that particular 'sport' after that.
    Hat + Beard
  • Initialised
    Initialised Posts: 3,047
    I've had RSI from PC gaming but never from Lego, my kid's love it too.
    I used to just ride my bike to work but now I find myself going out looking for bigger and bigger hills.
  • Jay dubbleU
    Jay dubbleU Posts: 3,159
    Almost lost the tip of my right little finger when it got smacked by a sword during a historical re-enactment - massive scar and still have no feeling in the tip
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,411
    Swords: who'd have thought they were dangerous?
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • welkman
    welkman Posts: 396
    Last night I was feeding the logburner some wood, shut the door, stood up and came to on the hearth clutching my head. Seems standing up whilst 6ft3 and still in the fireplace is not a good idea! Knocked myself out and cut my head open, am feeling ok now.
  • My elder brother almost died when he was very young due to an utterly bizarre series of events.

    We were playing on a friends slide (within sight of our house: his back garden backed onto our neighbours) and having fun when someone (possibly me... I had a habit of this) suggested makign it more fun.

    The idea was that we would hold on to a metal pole and go down the slide then pole vault up and over landing a HUGE (we were kids) distance away.

    My elder brother went first.

    Down the slide, pole hit ground - he'd been holding the pole in front of him and it stopped, he didn't. As he had been whooping as he went down the slide, the pole shot into his mouth and impaled him.

    Don't worry - he was fine (ish)

    We got him off and got him home - bleeding everywhere and he was rushed to hospital where the Dcotors found he was 1/2 an inch off being killed as the pole almost went into the vault of his skull.

    As it was he wasn't able to eat any solid food for a month so he lived on Soup, Ice Cream and Jelly,

    I was really jealous.
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • Good god KB... that's madness!

  • lastant
    lastant Posts: 526
    Good god KB... that's madness!


    Quite...but imagine how awesome it would have looked had it worked!
    One Man and LEJOG : End-to-End on Two Wheels in Two Weeks (Buy the book; or Kindle it!)
  • Good god KB... that's madness!


    my Mum said she was in the kitchen and could see what was going to happen even before Eamonn (brother) went down the slide and she was running down the road to get 'round to the house as he hit the pole.

    There really was a LOT of blood.... :?
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,411
    Good god KB... that's madness!


    my Mum said she was in the kitchen and could see what was going to happen even before Eamonn (brother) went down the slide and she was running down the road to get 'round to the house as he hit the pole.

    There really was a LOT of blood.... :?

    Well that's a comforting image for all the parents on here.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • shouldbeinbed
    shouldbeinbed Posts: 2,660
    edited November 2010
    Double post
  • Nowhere near the scale of KB's story but I broke my ankle tidying my sons room.

    He had some plastic juggling clubs, I chucked on out of his room into the give to charity box but didn't realise I missed and it ended up on the stairs. Half an hour later, full big box of toys in my arms and I'm sumersaulting downstairs a over t having stood on the club. No pain or anything when I landed until I tried to stand up. Snapped my heel off basically.
  • gtvlusso
    gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
    Had a javelin shoved in my face when I was little....I don't remember much about it, but I do have a very manly, action man stylee scar on my cheek....:-s

    I was also shot, well skinned, in the arm with a.22 rifle many many years ago....boys huh!
  • I fell over trying to remove a very, very, very high-heeled pair of shoes while inebriated and broke my big toe.

    The logic for removing them was so that I wouldn't fall over trying to walk down the rather uneven path to my door.
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    I fell over trying to remove a very, very, very high-heeled pair of shoes while inebriated and broke my big toe.

    The logic for removing them was so that I wouldn't fall over trying to walk down the rather uneven path to my door.

    Remind me, where do you hail from?
  • I fell over trying to remove a very, very, very high-heeled pair of shoes while inebriated and broke my big toe.

    The logic for removing them was so that I wouldn't fall over trying to walk down the rather uneven path to my door.

    Remind me, where do you hail from?

  • jonginge
    jonginge Posts: 5,945
    @KB Oh. Em. Gee. That's just... er, urgh! Your poor mum!

    Biking accidents aside, the only stoopid one I can remember is from the school playground. A group of us were playing some ball game or other. The tennis ball escaped the group and bounded across the tarmac. A friend and I ran after it with all our attention. It went under the school climbing frame which had a horizontal bar at about forehead height. We were both pole-axed. My mate, who was an inch or so taller, sported a lump on his head about the size of the ball we were chasing. Ouch

    EDIT: @GTV Nice change to the avatar and sig :D
    FCN 2-4 "Shut up legs", Jens Voigt
    Planet-x Scott
  • bunter
    bunter Posts: 327
    as a teenager, I was cycling home through a park on a 'shopper' type bike, late at night and something the worse for wear.

    It seemed like a good idea to cycle at speed between two swings.

    Handlebars caught neatly on the chains and swung me upside down. I skidded along on my back after landing on my head.
  • SimonAH
    SimonAH Posts: 3,730
    I think probably my stupidest was testing the water tighness of a car radiator that I'd filled with water from a kettle, all the better to acivate the leak sealant that i'd put in there.

    Radiators turn out not to rigid structures. I used my mouth over the filler neck to apply air pressure.

    The radiator didn't leak but obviously flexed.

    When i removed my lips a column of 'just off boiling' water shot out into my face. All of the skin of my lips fell off a couple of days later.
    FCN 5 belt driven fixie for city bits
    CAADX 105 beastie for bumpy bits
    Litespeed L3 for Strava bits

    Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.
  • Jay dubbleU
    Jay dubbleU Posts: 3,159
    rjsterry wrote:
    Good god KB... that's madness!


    my Mum said she was in the kitchen and could see what was going to happen even before Eamonn (brother) went down the slide and she was running down the road to get 'round to the house as he hit the pole.

    There really was a LOT of blood.... :?

    Well that's a comforting image for all the parents on here.

    Its what brothers are for :wink: I nearly broke mine in a similar incident involving a springy tree branch and a rope - lot of blood
  • merkin
    merkin Posts: 452
    My daughter went down a slide while holding a long piece of bamboo and it appeared to have dug into the ground and caught her eye socket. The first we knew was screaming coming from the garden and her eye already closed up. Fortunatley she escaped anything other than superficial injury, a very puffy eye and a scratch on her lower eyelid, but it put years on my wife and I. We were expecting the worst when we carried her in. She doesn't play that game any more :roll:
  • In hindsight that probably wasn't the best story to tell - so apologies for the rather gruesome image I've given everyone :cry:

    Ummmm.... cheerier ones?

    Okay - same brother: we used to go on this camping week when we were kiddies and they had this 30 foot long inflatable sausage on camp (no I don't know why) . Of course during the week it deflated and stopped being fun to bounce on, but Eamonn and his mates decided to see what they could find to do on it.

    He learnt a fabulous lesson in Newtons 3rd law of Motion, aerodynamics, trajectories and the need to think things through fully; before getting 5 mates to jump on the inflated end while he was sitting on the deflated one. Apparently he described a beautiful arc...

    He broke his elbow on landing and missed the rest of the camping week.

    Okay, okay one of mine. Watching TV one night and this insane sketch was on, so I went pelting upstairs to phone a mate in the break (g/f watching, didn't want to disturb her) to get him to watch it.

    Unfortunately, I kicked the leg of the office desk and quite categorically broke my toe (I heard the crack) while grabbing the phone. Being a bloke and 'ard 8) :roll: I still phoned him but couldn't say anything beyond "I broke my toe, Oh £$!$£$"!$^%^$^£$ I broke my fecking toe!" He's saying "you phoned me to tell me you broke your toe???" and I'm near shouting back "No. I broke my fecking toe while trying to phone you and tell you about the program <insert name of program>"

    "Oh, yeah we were watching that, but you phoned. You pillock."
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    I fell over trying to remove a very, very, very high-heeled pair of shoes while inebriated and broke my big toe.

    The logic for removing them was so that I wouldn't fall over trying to walk down the rather uneven path to my door.

    Pics or it didn't happen :wink:
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • when i was younger was playing darts against a tree & a dart bounced out & stuck in my chin, didnt really hurt that much just pulled it out & kept playing, my mum went ape & the tetanus hurt like a bitch

    also when young a mate fell out of a tree we were climbing & broke his arm, another mate ran for help as he never liked heights, i climbed further up the tree & hid until everything had calmed down so i wouldnt get in trouble

    about 5 years ago on bonfire night in a mates very small garden lit a catherine wheel which was stuck on properly, it flew off & i fell over his bbq getting out of the way, broke 2 fingers
  • CdrJake
    CdrJake Posts: 296
    I still have the scar on my chest from where my cousin stabbed me with a piece of Meccano when I was 6 years old.

    As a young boy, skateboarding then like now was the 'in thing'. However my skateboard was a home made effort using some off cuts of wood and an old pair of wheels from my roller boots. Being 8 years of age my understanding of basic stress strain theory and load baring wasn't what it is now. As I shot down the hallway of the house the board split in two resulting in me doing the splits before falling into one of the bookcases outside my fathers office. My father heard the commotion, ran out of the office to find me sprawled under a pile of books with a gash to my head and pain in my groin after one of the falling books landed in a rather delicate place :oops:

    And about 10 years ago I managed to break my leg in three places while jumping from the port side of HMS Northumberland while in the mid Atlantic.
    twitter: @JakeM1969
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    I am the parent of 5 year old twins

    I am so wishing I'd not read this thread :shock:

    Not (thnakfully) an injury story, but:

    We used to have 2 cars: a Puma and an Audi A4. Both insured with the same company. I was in the Puma at a roundabout near Cambridge, when I was rear-ended (oo-er! :oops: ).

    2 weeks later, whilst the Puma was in being fixed, I pulled up to the SAME roundabout in the Audi...and was promptly whacked from behind again.

    The insurance woman (and, for that matter, my wife) thought I was taking the p155 when I rang up to report the second accident.

    I have never, ever been that way to Cambridge since.

    It's just a hill. Get over it.