Run / Ride

allen.coulson Posts: 424
edited November 2010 in Health, fitness & training
In terms of benefit how many miles of cycling to a mile of running?

Benefit = Fitness or endurance, enjoyment, calorie consumption and getting rid of a hangover.

My guess is that for cardiovascular fitness 5 mls running = 30 miles cycling, Endurance probably the same or even more cycling. Personally I'll always enjoy cycling over even a short run. No idea about calorie consumption. Hangover goes quickest with a run....not an enjoyable one.

I know my analysis is not scientific ..any views?


  • It's too difficult to compare the activities with just direct comparisons without any specific factors to measure against.

    If you really want to know, grab a heart rate monitor that will give you a calorie figure and do a 5 mile run and then [on another day] a bike ride up until the point where the calories burnt matches the 5 miler.

    Your own running / riding technique, gusto and route will determine what's more effective and better for hangovers.

    My training takes in a lot of running because it's a very cheap and accessible option for getting very fit. Minute vs minute, there's little else that's as effective for such an accessible fitness activity.
  • Tough call on this one.

    Been a runner for 5 years until I've got pretty much burned out on it.
    Started MTB a year ago and I'm now in the best shape of my life. Here are the benefits and disavantages I've went through after switching from running to pedaling.

    Benefits :

    Managed to retain a lot more lean muscular mass.
    Increased calories burnt.
    Increased weight loss.
    Aches and joint pains are gone.

    Lost a lot of lung and cardio capabilities,and I really miss that !!!
    MTB requires a lot more time and equipments.

    Bottom line I guess if you want cardio training running is your best bet. I may buy a road bike sometimes this year just to see if that brings back some of my long lost cardio power.
    About weight loss I'm loving my MTBiking, it's a weight loss machine that shave the fat away and keep it away. Of course I'm pretty anal when it comes to my diet.
    Specialized Tarmac Sworks
    Canyon Spectral 8.9