BB cable guide fitting

GavH Posts: 933
edited October 2010 in Workshop
Got a cable guide for my winter build but not sure how to fit it. General googling seems to turn up results suggesting that I should just araldite it in place and then fit the cables immediately to hold it in place whilst the it bonds.

I have no screw with it although it does have a washer and there is a threaded hole in the BB shell approx 3mm wide which I assume can be used to fit the guide with.

Is gluing it in place and just using the hole as a means of drainage appropriate or should I screw it in place and drill another hole?


  • Smokin Joe
    Smokin Joe Posts: 2,706
    Screw it in place, glue won't hold for two minutes.

    You don't need to drill a drainage hole. If you get water in your frame just remove the guide screw and let it drain. The guide will stay in place if you don't operate the cables.
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    What frame is it?

    I bought a 2nd hand frame, noticed the lack of cable guide, so I bought one...
    Then I noticed that there were a couple of brazed on lug type cable stops, so the guide was not needed!...
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • GavH
    GavH Posts: 933
    It's an Ambrosio Solaro.