rotors and adaptors...

trail jacker
Posts: 844
Hi all,
I have a 185mm avid j5 up front but im going to replace the rotor with a superstar one (flame design). the rotor is 180mm, will this be ok to just go straight on, or will i need to buy a new adaptor since there is 5mm difference?
I have a 185mm avid j5 up front but im going to replace the rotor with a superstar one (flame design). the rotor is 180mm, will this be ok to just go straight on, or will i need to buy a new adaptor since there is 5mm difference?
Carbon 456...
Yes, new adaptor needed.0
oh one more thing... the pads i have in the juicy are a month old, will they be ok with a new rotor?Carbon 456...
yep! Why are you changing anyway?0
the rotor i have in has warped a bit i think, and its catching the pad when the wheel turns making a squeak sound. i have tried everything other than change the rotor to find the problem, but no luck so new rotor it is!Carbon 456...