Sunday Morning Thread :(

projectsome Posts: 4,010
edited October 2010 in The Crudcatcher
Nowt good about it yet...

came home last night to find I've been burgarled :x :x but no goods taken but just woke up and realised money I had put down for shopping is gone.

I was going to do some shopping and go up my nan's for sunday roast but that's a bit unlikely now. will probably stay home and watch tv etc :cry: :x

apart from church, what's everyone up to?
FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!


  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,301
    would love to claim I am up early to watch the gp - but would have probably be up with the kids anyway!

    Crap news re: you being broken into
  • camerauk
    camerauk Posts: 1,000
    watching crap F1 race that is not happening due to rain :evil:
    deciding if I should go out on a ride a bit later as my knee is still playing up at the moment I am thinking sod it I will go out it's only a bit of pain still not sure what I did to it :?
    Specialized Camber Expert
    Specialized Allez Sport
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,301
    bunch of women these f1 drivers - just get out and race
  • camerauk
    camerauk Posts: 1,000
    matthew h wrote:
    bunch of women these f1 drivers - just get out and race
    to right
    Specialized Camber Expert
    Specialized Allez Sport
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,301
    bet they stop this - wrong
  • camerauk
    camerauk Posts: 1,000
    Yeah could do hamilton wants to start looks like he's the only driver that does
    Specialized Camber Expert
    Specialized Allez Sport
  • camerauk
    camerauk Posts: 1,000
    This is a big farce if redbull were behind they would want to get the race started
    Specialized Camber Expert
    Specialized Allez Sport
  • Just getting up :)
    Blast round CwmCarn is today's medicine :)
  • Not long woken, getting dressed and about to go catch the train with the mrs to have lunch with her Grandma, then go for a walk with her mom, stepdad and their huge dog Paco. Long haired American Akita, and he is huge!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    just got up, am a bit hungover.

    im sitting on the sofa today.
  • working :(



    I'll sit on your sofa in a minute
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    you havent got a sitting on my sofa in you.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    i doubt both things very much.
  • Rose early to watch the GP, very eventful
    Going to wash the bikes today then embark on some housework and other matters that need my attention..
  • Morning goons.

    Today not a lot, hip still twinging but not as bad - very odd indeed.

    Refitting the rear wheel to the Marin as I put another coat of clearcoat on. Also refit the Mongoose shock mounting hardware for above reasons.

    Some ale shall be consumed (indoors) today, going to nip to Offy and buy a 4-pack and chill indoors as if I go out with the best intentions for a couple, I end up going overboard and having too much, and I hate having the horrors on a Monday morning :lol:

    However, I fancy getting a bottle of R Whites and some Ale and doing sone decent ice cold shandys.... anyone remember Shandy Bass? Awesomeness in a tin.

    Band of Brothers on BluRay as nowt on TV :)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    just got up, am a bit hungover.

    im sitting on the sofa today.
  • weeksy59
    weeksy59 Posts: 2,606
    Up at 6.20am with my son.

    MAde pancakes for him for breakfast and 1/2 a chocolate muffin.

    Been in trimming next doors tree.

    Got a few mins of peace while the wife is at garden centre, then her mate is turning up later so off our cycling for a decent chunk of the afternoon.
  • FSR Si
    FSR Si Posts: 147
    Up at 5 breakfast with the baba, doss about with baba till 7 then other baba wakes, made her brekkie, watched Nanny McPhee agaaaaain :? wifey gets up at 8.30 have another sneaky brekkie with her whilst denying all knowledge of 1st bekkie :D quick walk with no1 baba to try and get her to sleep. Now waiting for lazy fat tosser mate to get up so we can go ride bikes 8)
    My Rides......91 GT Talera SingleSpeed, 97 Klein pulse race, 2010 Boardman HT Pro
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Morning, just woke to the sight of the God awful Katie Weasel doin king of the swinger on x factor. Not a good thing when you're hungover.

    Anyway Sunday roast on it's way, dunno what else to do today, might have a walk up the pressellis
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • Jimbob_no5
    Jimbob_no5 Posts: 1,568
    i seem to be having a pretty shite time, lovely gf decides to flip at me on the phone last night over something a mate said, so ill be on my way back tonight to see her and tell her to get a farking grip! more so crap is im still pretty damn ill :(

    I believe in only 2 things in life.
    1) Drink is not my friend
    2) D-Locking cnuts ;)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Jimbob_no5 wrote:
    i seem to be having a pretty shite time, lovely gf decides to flip at me on the phone last night over something a mate said, so ill be on my way back tonight to see her and tell her to get a farking grip! more so crap is im still pretty damn ill :(

    leave her in a ditch with her head pointing backwards. no woman is worth being told of like a child.

    then buy yourself a lime, some string and a pile of liver..............
  • weeksy59 wrote:
    Been in trimming next doors tree.
    :shock: And then you admit it on a public forum!? We salute you sir ;)

    Toda is a normal Sunday day for me. Was out in the Peaks yesterday where I decided that V-Brakes are pointless and I may as well use the wind resistance to stop me. So now I'm VERY tempted into buying a Cube...
    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 8,207
    Toda is a normal Sunday day for me.

    In what language? :P
  • You've never heard of the word Toda!? :roll: :lol: Clearly I need to go back to bed and start again :twisted:
    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • Jimbob_no5
    Jimbob_no5 Posts: 1,568
    then buy yourself a lime, some string and a pile of liver..............

    what on earth do i need this for??

    I believe in only 2 things in life.
    1) Drink is not my friend
    2) D-Locking cnuts ;)
  • El Capitano
    El Capitano Posts: 6,400
    Afternoon Freaks. Been fettling this morning, but have exhausted my technical knowledge and need to get a special tool made. :evil:

    Off to daughter's for sunday lunch, then not sure what the rest of the day's plans are.
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 8,207
    Off to daughter's

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Jimbob_no5 wrote:
    then buy yourself a lime, some string and a pile of liver..............

    what on earth do i need this for??
    So you can obviate the neccesary in a more satisfying way.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    get an empty coffee jar and fill it with warm raw liver

    tie the string round the lime, mke a loop in the other end. sit with the soles of your feet together in a yoga type position, shove the lime up your obvious and put the loop around your big toe

    bash your willy stupid in and out of the jar of liver and at the end when your legs go straight, the lime is tugged from your obvious and it is said to be the best wank you will ever have.

    i heard if you are sitting on the edge of a burning hot bath full of water too at the same time, you can plunge backwards as your legs go straight and this serves to heighten the whole affair.