Aye Aye crudders

Jimbob_no5 Posts: 1,568
edited October 2010 in The Crudcatcher
im back for a few days mainly because im rather ill and managed to get home for the weekend, gota love been on anti biotics that make you tired and angry at the same time :shock: and having a rather bad ear infection making it hard to balance myself combined with what the docs think is a swollen lymph gland in my groin makes moving quite crap, more fun i get to lay in bed, sleeping and getting fed when i need it :lol:

anyways what have i missed in here? anything exciting happened?


I believe in only 2 things in life.
1) Drink is not my friend
2) D-Locking cnuts ;)


  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 8,207
    Jimbob_no5 wrote:
    the docs think is a swollen lymph gland in my groin

    Pics or it did... actually please dont!
  • Jimbob_no5
    Jimbob_no5 Posts: 1,568
    haha i have missed the random comments on here, i can get pics if you really want andy :wink:

    I believe in only 2 things in life.
    1) Drink is not my friend
    2) D-Locking cnuts ;)
  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 8,207
    Really not!
  • Jimbob_no5
    Jimbob_no5 Posts: 1,568
    canae really see it that well, can feel it mainly, and its not right in my groin.

    but the downside is, im not allowed to bike ride (its broken anyway) horse ride (when i need to be) or drink (party next weekend) :cry:

    I believe in only 2 things in life.
    1) Drink is not my friend
    2) D-Locking cnuts ;)
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    That lump in your groin is your penis. Congratulations, you're male after all.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    either penis, or a clit