Interesting info about Eurosport

takethehighroad Posts: 6,823
edited October 2010 in Pro race
Dunno if this quite belongs here, but I know a lot of Pro Race-rs have gripes about Eurosport.

I recently took part in a survey for Eurosport and they sent some of the results via e-mail, along with prize winners etc.

What's interesting to note is cycling's relationship with Eurosport. Clearly this is good for us fans going foward into a new season, meaning (hopefully) more coverage of races.

Finally, Carlton Kirby - International Expert?
Summary of Survey Results

Mobile Handsets

Ø Mobile phones play a very important role in your lives; more than half of you feel you cannot live without mobile phones
Ø Nokia and Samsung are the most owned brands across the board; iPhone ranks second as brand planned to be bought in the next 12 months
Ø 1 in 3 of you regularly surf the Internet on your phones; almost half those aged 15-24s regularly use mobile internet!

Olympics (UK Only)

Ø With the 2012 Summer Olympic Games drawing near, two thirds of you said that you are planning to watch the event on Eurosport.
Ø More than 1 in 5 are also planning to watch “Road to London 2012” in the leading up to the Games
Ø 22% were able to rightly identify British Gas as the main sponsor of the British Swimming team, this rose to 31% amongst the swimming fans

Eurosport Brand

Ø Cycling, Winter Sports and Tennis are the sport’s most associated with Eurosport
Ø Eurosport is seen as an International Expert in Sport with a relevant yet diverse appeal
Ø More than half of you believe that Eurosport enables people to find out everything they want to know about the sporting events the channel covers