Scott CR1 or Scott Addict

Eskimo427 Posts: 288
edited October 2010 in Road buying advice
Could someone please tell me the difference between these two models and the difference between a compact and normal bike.

I'm hoping to use the bike for a Lands End to John O'groats run and will be be against the clock so panniers etc will not be required.



  • ride_whenever
    ride_whenever Posts: 13,279
    whichever fits you better.

    The addict is much more vertically stiff, and a lot more aggressive in any given size. Personally I prefer the geometry of the addict but the ride of the cr1...

    Personally though, for such a ride i'd go for the cr1 purely for the added comfort of the back end with is sublimely supple.
  • majormantra
    majormantra Posts: 2,094
    For a ride like that the CR1 would probably be the better choice for the comfort. For road racing or crits the Addict would be the better choice.

    I have an Addict and it's great but definitely on the firmer side in terms of ride quality.

    Assuming you're talking about chainsets, compact usally means 50/34 or 50/36 or somethine whilst a standard double is 52/39, 53/39 or similar. If you need super low gears a compact (plus a cassette with a 27 or more tooth big cog) is a good choice but many have a large jump between rings, making them less than ideal for some riding. If you want to compare gearing options, think about what you currently have and play with a gear calculator like this:

    Gear inches is the handiest unit of comparison.
  • gwillis
    gwillis Posts: 998
    +1 for CR1
  • twotyred
    twotyred Posts: 822
    The Addict is supposed to be comfy for a race bike but having ridden one there is no way I'd want to do a century on it let alone LEJOG- too much vibration. I wanted to try a CR1 at the time but didn't fit it as I like a racier position and the head tube was too long hence I tried the Addict.

    Sounds like you haven't tried either bike. You really need to get a test ride before buying a bike you're going to do that length of ride on.
  • yaya
    yaya Posts: 411
    The new CR1 (2010 and up) is supposed to be a lot comfier than the previous models

    my 2006 frame is stiffer than any alloy frame I've ever ridden...not great if you're looking for comfort although I have dome 80-100 mile rides on it but I would try the new one

    The new Addict's rear end reminds me of the old CR1 BTW...
  • Eskimo427
    Eskimo427 Posts: 288
    Thanks for the reply guys.

    I haven't tried either bike and I'm currently making a list of potential bikes to use. Scott just seamed the obvious starting point.

    As I'm hoping to do the challenge against the clock I'm willing to trade some comfort for speed, having said that how much faster would an Addict be over a CR1 if they weighed the same and has the new shock absorbing frame really made the bike much more comfortable?

    Thanks again.
  • ride_whenever
    ride_whenever Posts: 13,279
    How long is a piece of string?
  • can you ride the both? it's going to come down to comfort, and you really need to assess that for yourself.

    My guess? CR1.
  • Eskimo427
    Eskimo427 Posts: 288
    can you ride the both? it's going to come down to comfort, and you really need to assess that for yourself.

    My guess? CR1.

    Unfortunately my nearest Scott dealer is 10's of miles away so nipping out for a test ride isn't that simple. This is part of my reason for asking the questions I am.

    If I had a dealer nearby I wouldn't be asking any questions about the bikes on here and I'd be pointing them directly at the dealer.

    thanks again for the replys.
  • I did the National 12 hour this year on a CR1, and it was brilliant all the way through, only ended up with a sore 'Arris due to bad long distance saddle choice! Mine's a 2009 model, and done plenty of distance rides on it with very little discomfort.
    I want to come back as Niki Gudex's seat
  • Butterd2
    Butterd2 Posts: 937
    I've crossed the Pyrenees on my 2009 CR-1 and can vouch for it's comfort.
    Scott CR-1 (FCN 4)
    Pace RC200 FG Conversion (FCN 5)
    Giant Trance X

    My collection of Cols
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    I ride an Addict R1 & have never had an issue with it's comfort. Took it to Mallorca in Feb & did just shy of 800 miles in the week, didn't give me any bother....but....that's me, you or whoever else might not get on with one at all.

    Try them both & see which you prefer. Good position is the key to comfort anyway. Get that bit right & you shouldn't have a problem with either choices. Thing is the CR1 is designed from the outset to be more relaxed & compliant, they're still capable. Mate o mine rode one as a 1st cat & loved it.
  • lemoncurd
    lemoncurd Posts: 1,428
    I have an Addict R4, done lots of long 100 mile+ rides and never found comfort to be a problem. Great bike.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Eskimo427 wrote:
    Unfortunately my nearest Scott dealer is 10's of miles away so nipping out for a test ride isn't that simple. This is part of my reason for asking the questions I am.

    They are pricey bikes and 10's of miles away is nothing. I did three 7 hour round trips to my chosen bike shop before going home with a bike. I did test a CR1 and, as others have said, the ride was sublime. But it wasn't as good as the Look I bought :lol:
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Eskimo427
    Eskimo427 Posts: 288
    Rolf F wrote:
    Eskimo427 wrote:
    Unfortunately my nearest Scott dealer is 10's of miles away so nipping out for a test ride isn't that simple. This is part of my reason for asking the questions I am.

    They are pricey bikes and 10's of miles away is nothing. I did three 7 hour round trips to my chosen bike shop before going home with a bike. I did test a CR1 and, as others have said, the ride was sublime. But it wasn't as good as the Look I bought :lol:

    LOL Rolf the 10's of miles is a typo it should have said 100's. There's very little to choose from in the North East of Scotland :(
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Eskimo427 wrote:
    Rolf F wrote:
    Eskimo427 wrote:
    Unfortunately my nearest Scott dealer is 10's of miles away so nipping out for a test ride isn't that simple. This is part of my reason for asking the questions I am.

    They are pricey bikes and 10's of miles away is nothing. I did three 7 hour round trips to my chosen bike shop before going home with a bike. I did test a CR1 and, as others have said, the ride was sublime. But it wasn't as good as the Look I bought :lol:

    LOL Rolf the 10's of miles is a typo it should have said 100's. There's very little to choose from in the North East of Scotland :(

    lol - thought you seemed a bit half hearted not to go a few 10s. Not much better than 'can't test ride cos the nearest shop is on the other side of the road' :lol:
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Hi,

    Can't say much about the Addict.

    I have however ridden the CR1 and had a fitting at Epic Cycles. An unbelievable all day experience and the fit is amazing.

    The bike is amazing. It is in a completely different league from my Gran Fondo.

    I would have offered you a ride this week as I am heading up that way but I havent got the bike yet!

  • Eskimo427
    Eskimo427 Posts: 288
    Thanks for the offer Colin.

    Are you coming up here for business or pleasure?
  • Visiting my folks in Aberdeen.

    Will be bringing up my Ribble and going out for a ride if the snow holds off!
  • Marko1962
    Marko1962 Posts: 320
    Love my Addict, done many 70 - 100 mile rides on it with no comfort issues. Prefer it over my aluminium Focus.