Fellow cyclist needs help being a swotty swot pants:o)

ad213812 Posts: 59
edited December 2010 in Family & kids cycling forum
I'm new to the community so be gentle I've been cycling for a couple of months now and so far so good. Well apart from the wrecked knee and empty wallet As well as working like a dog, in my spare time I am also a student and I was hoping that my fellow commuters might be kind enough to help me out.

This semester I'm studying virtual/online communities to determine what sustains and makes a vc successful. So to help with my research I've made a small survey (9 questions) and it would be much appreciated if as many of you as possible could take 5 minutes to fill it in. There is no personal information required and I'm not monitoring IP addresses or anything else sinister.


You can sleep sound in the knowldege that you are helping a fellow cyclist attain a qualification that will help her get a better job so she will get more money so she can buy the hand built JF Wilson bike that she is coveting.
