100 miles in Essex

welkman Posts: 396
edited October 2010 in Commuting chat

I have been commuting to work now for about six months doing 100 miles a week. I am really enjoying the rides and feel its time to push myself a bit. I would like to try a 100mile ride next monday or tuesday as its half term which means a break for me! Any route suggestions around the colchester area are welcome.

I would also appreciate suggestions on how much water to take, what to eat during, before and after the ride and what sort of average speed to aim for. I really want to avoid having an 'energy crash' as this has happened to me in the past and its not nice.



  • cjw
    cjw Posts: 1,889
    I've done quite a few 100 (and near 100) milers in Essex - pm me your email and I'll send you some .gpx routes.

    For food, good breakfast about an hour before setting off. Food with me tends to be couple of muesli type bars, couple of madeleines and some gel packs. Two bottles of water on the bike and an isotonic in the jersey pocket does fine. You can obviously buy stuff going around but, surprisingly given it is Essex, it can be difficult to find a shop when you need one as the routes all tend to be going through quiet villages and very rural - hence I always take enough to do the route.
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  • ince
    ince Posts: 289
    HI Welkman

    I did a 100 for the first time Sunday before last. I took two 750ml bottles of sport drink which for me wasn't enough, could have done with a third. Breakfast was a big bowl of porridge 90 min before I headed out.

    Food on the bike was a gel or energy bar every hour to keep topped up.

    My furthest ride prior to this was 64 miles so a big jump for me. Up to 80 was fine, 85 to 95 was hard. From 96 onward nothing was going to stop me hitting that 100 mark.

    Good luck and let us know how you get on.
  • welkman
    welkman Posts: 396
    Thanks for the replys.

    Any advice on what type of energy bar and isotonic drink to take, i'm normally a bananna and water guy!

  • ince
    ince Posts: 289
    I use the High 5 stuff, what the LBS sold and what I have stuck with. Tried a cliff bar once, it was like having a mouth full of peanut butter.

    The drink I use is High 5 energy source
    http://www.wiggle.co.uk/p/cycle/7/High5 ... 360025287/

    Gel and bar
    http://www.wiggle.co.uk/p/cycle/7/High5 ... 360024212/
    http://www.wiggle.co.uk/p/cycle/7/High5 ... 360006548/

    lot of stuff out there so hard to recommend, these work for me.