Is my LBS rubbish....................

mak3m Posts: 1,394
edited October 2010 in MTB general
...........or do i have an extremley rare bike

if its the latter ebay here i come :P

need a rear mech hanger for a 2008 GT Outpost

went to LBS and they checked there stock and some universal hangers, nothing happening going to have to order one in.

2 days get call non of their normal suppliers have anything going to have to go to GT direct

day 5 rang today, apparently GT sent wrong hanger wont be here till monday or tuesday.

theres blue skies out there ffs :(

am i being taken for a newb, well to be fair i am, or are rear mechs normally this awkward. reading up on it i thoght the purpose of the hanger was to break and save any damage to the mech itself, ergo would hve thought they would be in plentiful supply

not only can i not get out on a ride but im also going to be riddled with guilt eating my lemon cheese cake bites from lidl without the madatory burn :P


  • Andy B
    Andy B Posts: 8,115
    It sounds plausible that a LBS might not have the hanger in stock, there are hundreds of mech hangers available, they can't stock them all

    Also plausible that GT sent out the wrong one, or they ordered the wrong one

    A GT dealer might have had one in stock

    Or try here: ... %2FHangers
  • stu8975
    stu8975 Posts: 1,334
    Did you take the old hanger in to compare? if not, it's a bit of a minefield to guess the shape.

    On your marks, get set..take your pick..

    Recently replaced a neighbours kids barracuda hanger, and it wasn't listed to fit a Barracuda. Had to match the head and cut out part for the frame. Tip, if you find what No. hanger you need, check fleabay, cost me £7.90 inc delivery for the No.27 hanger.

    GT hanger's. We use this shit for ordering at the LBS where I work if we have a hanger we cannot find.
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,219
    One of the few shops left in the village I live in is a bike shop. It's 5 minutes walk from my house.

    When I broke a mech hanger I went in with the old one and was told to my best bet would be to go and order one off the internet I was the only one in the shop at the time, probably the only customer all week.

    The owner didn't say he didn't have any in stock, didn't look through any that he had in stock, didn't even offer to order one in for me at an inflated price. :roll:
  • I get mine from here

    I make sure I always have two in my kit bag :wink:
  • stu8975 wrote:
    Did you take the old hanger in to compare? if not, it's a bit of a minefield to guess the shape.

    On your marks, get set..take your pick..
  • mak3m
    mak3m Posts: 1,394
    actually might just be frustrated as i cant get out :(

    to be fair to the LBS the price im paying is cheaper than the ones above so i should not complain.

    just assumed that if this is a common problem that they would be very easy to get hold of quickly

    @stu, i took what was left of the hanger in :D
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    are they a gt dealer?
  • mak3m
    mak3m Posts: 1,394
    lol saga over and im a bit :oops: over my frustration with LBS, well i did say i was a newb

    bike is back

    they have taken a kink out of my chain
    adjusted rear wheel spokes
    fited new hanger
    new rear mech cable
    indexed front and rear

    all for the princley sum of £22

    i love my LBS
  • LjStronge
    LjStronge Posts: 287
    Title of thread

    Is my LBS rubbish....................

    Last Comment

    i love my LBS

    That will be a no then! lol
    Specialized Rockhopper Comp 2009.