London 2012 Olympics



  • wordnumb
    wordnumb Posts: 847
    kona_matt wrote:
    should be ihn fort william!!"!

  • But anyways,

    If we take public opinion on this over 80% think it's in the wrong place... I mean this forum is a bit small to be taken as a true cross section of the sport,(though as crudites are opinions are the only ones that matter in the sport) We don't want the track where it's being built and most people think the authorities have made a boo boo.
  • wordnumb
    wordnumb Posts: 847
    public opinion on this over 80% think it's in the wrong place

    My public opinion is that the olympics is a bag of pointless flag-waving and corruption.
  • It is these days.

    But hey ho. People(as in large groups) corrupt most things given to them.
  • shm_uk
    shm_uk Posts: 683
    In October 2010 Dalby Forest was recognised by the UCI as the best round of the 2010 Cross Country World Cup.

    The award, which was voted for by teams, journalists, riders, UCI officials and sponsors took into account the overall event, including infrastructure, course quality and local facilities.

    British Cycling's chief executive Ian Drake said at the time: "I'm thrilled that the events at Dalby Forest and Fort William have been recognised by the UCI and yet again these awards are further testimony to Britain's ability to host truly world-class events."

    So why why why, when we already have a well established & globally-recognised world class xc mountain bike venue, did some muppet decide we needed to build a new (and superfluous) one in Essex?

    Other than the fact that some people seem to suffer from cronic London-vision, that renders them incapable of acknowledging anything exists much beyond the M25.
  • boring.jpg
    FCN 9 - 2008 Kona Cinder Cone
    FCN 9 - Custom Build On-One 456
    FCN 5 - 2010 Boardman Team Carbon
  • I'm with Shm Matt he's right.
  • I'm with Shm Matt he's right.

    maybe, maybe not, i was merely stating that I was bored of the discussion
    FCN 9 - 2008 Kona Cinder Cone
    FCN 9 - Custom Build On-One 456
    FCN 5 - 2010 Boardman Team Carbon
  • meesterbond
    meesterbond Posts: 1,240
    shm_uk wrote:
    So why why why, when we already have a well established & globally-recognised world class xc mountain bike venue, did some muppet decide we needed to build a new (and superfluous) one in Essex?

    Indeed... I mean, heaven forbid that we actually build more mountain bike facilities.
  • shm_uk wrote:
    So why why why, when we already have a well established & globally-recognised world class xc mountain bike venue, did some muppet decide we needed to build a new (and superfluous) one in Essex?

    Indeed... I mean, heaven forbid that we actually build more mountain bike facilities.

    what, more mountain biking facilities!? surely not, the country is already overrun with bridleways full of maniacs in body armour killing anything or anyone in their path. hang them, hang them all!
    FCN 9 - 2008 Kona Cinder Cone
    FCN 9 - Custom Build On-One 456
    FCN 5 - 2010 Boardman Team Carbon
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    edited November 2010
    shm_uk wrote:
    Other than the fact that some people seem to suffer from cronic London-vision, that renders them incapable of acknowledging anything exists much beyond the M25.
    And even then Hadleigh is outside the M25, whilst adequate sites exist within the M25 (judging by what's been done at Hadleigh, any flat field is sufficient, but there's Epping Forest which is mostly within the M25), and sites nearer, with better access, and support for and experience with TV & film crews and can handle heavy trucks (Swinley), or better terrain (Surrey Hills).

    There is just no point in Hadleigh as far as I can tell.
    Indeed... I mean, heaven forbid that we actually build more mountain bike facilities.
    But they're not anyway. This will likely be up for the Olympics and ripped down when the farmer wants his field back. We gain nothing from this except ridicule from other countries who are able to put on a better show, but that is the case for the whole of the 2012 Olympics anyway. It was always going to be that way.

    From the 2012 web site:

    "The site offers some fantastic gradients for mountain biking – with an escalation of 70 metres from bottom to top"

    70 metres - :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    We really are going to be a laughing stock.

    Mind you, I don't think mountain biking should be in the Olympics anyway.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I've read in several places that the track WILL stay open afterwards, but they will, (ahem) "remove some of the more technical features" to make it more accesible.
  • There selling it now with the forestry sell off i rheard..

    But still not a place anyone would really bother traveling to too ride essex, So investing cash in an area that will generate minimal positives in the local economy seems a bit silly again to me as a finance Bod.
  • shm_uk
    shm_uk Posts: 683
    shm_uk wrote:
    So why why why, when we already have a well established & globally-recognised world class xc mountain bike venue, did some muppet decide we needed to build a new (and superfluous) one in Essex?

    Indeed... I mean, heaven forbid that we actually build more mountain bike facilities.

    I got the impression from somewhere that the site wasn't going to be retained after the olympics.

    If I'm wrong then I retract my original comment.

    The more MTB centres the better, and the south of England is lacking compared to Wales, Scotland, N. England...
  • It's lacking for a good reason though.

    Its flat, and there are loal trails fthat people ride but no one is going to travel to a flat area to ride to cover the centers costs. Its just not a particularly finacially viable area to place a center. these places need to be able to support themselves.

    Afan/ Cwm and most of the good south wales places owe it too steep valleys and a good M4 corridor so they get a lot of visitors.
  • Bar Shaker
    Bar Shaker Posts: 2,313
    The site is not owned by the Forestry Commission, its owned by the Salvation Army. Its not the government's to sell. The Sally Army had been leasing it to a farmer but they now lease it to LOCOG. It will remain a MTB facility after the games.

    The event is mountain biking, which is what others recognise as XC racing. Its not Down Hill, its not Freeride and its not aerials. I also don't think it should be an Olympic sport but as it now looks like 22 multi millionaire tossers running round for 90 minutes is in the spirit of the Olympic values I think man on man bike racing deserves its place in the games.

    If only it were the Dalby Forest 2012 Olympics we wouldn't have any of this.

    Boardman Elite SLR 9.2S
    Boardman FS Pro
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    SE isn't lacking at all and it's actually not flat. North Downs & Surrey Hills have almost the same amount of vertical as trail centres in South Wales. South of London is basically a big inland cliff with tonnes of riding. Just they're not official trail centres that's all.

    In many ways I prefer it for regular rides as the amount of trails are so vast, plus vary depending on conditions. Trail centres in Wales are the same all year round and limited to a handful. They're excellent and for technicality beat the crap out of the SE, but I'd be bored riding there every week on the same handful of trails, whereas I'm not with Surrey Hills and surrounding areas.

    Essex on the other hand is next to useless (and not just for mountain bikes :P ).
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    Good to see the window lickers are out in force again tonight. I look forward to the Yorkshire Olympics, then they can use Dalby.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Again, Essex isn't London either.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    njee20 wrote:
    Good to see the window lickers are out in force again tonight. I look forward to the Yorkshire Olympics, then they can use Dalby.
    I have no idea why you're so adamant about "It's the LONDON Olympics"
    Yeah, we know that, but several sites were suggested initially, that were nowhere near London.
  • [/quote]
    I have no idea why you're so adamant about "It's the LONDON Olympics"
    Yeah, we know that, but several sites were suggested initially, that were nowhere near London.[/quote]


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I have no idea why you're so adamant about "It's the LONDON Olympics"
    Yeah, we know that, but several sites were suggested initially, that were nowhere near London.


    What's your point? Like I said, we all KNOW it's the London Olympics, but officially, as in "not by cruddites", several other venues were genuinely proposed.
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    We can propose all we want, doesn't mean the IOC will listen! We could have proposed using the Alps if we wanted!
  • deadkenny wrote:
    Again, Essex isn't London either.
  • BigJimmyB
    BigJimmyB Posts: 1,302
    kona_matt wrote:
    FFS, how many times will this be discussed :roll: choosing an olympic venue isn't just about choosing an area that is traditionally known for that sport. it's about a whole host of variables such as access, spectator view points, transport, security, safety and most importantly in my opinion, legacy.

    Hadleigh has good access and transport links and open ground so that spectators can actually see the racing (not easy in forested areas) and security staff can see the spectators. In these times of international terrorism, i feel security must have played and very important role in the selection of this site. Other options close to london, such as surrey hills, would be problematic with regards security, how do you keep an eye on everyone in a forest?

    as for your comment regarding essex being flat, yes, it is, in general, but believe me, the chosen venue is not! i've ridden that area for many years and the hills are short and sharp, perfect for an olympic/world cup XC loop. plus the features they are building are as technical as anything I've seen at UK trail centres.

    IMO essex needs the legacy more than other areas surroundng london. there are lots of mountain bikers here and our access to trails is awful.

    personally, my problem with the recent announcement is the price of the tickets. £45 is too high to watch XC. it's not the most exciting of spectator sports is it? basically everyone chasing julian absolom. i'll probably still go.

    rant over

    +1 sack of potatoes
    Well said
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    kona_matt wrote:
    there are lots of mountain bikers here [in Essex] and our access to trails is awful.

    Oh boo hoo. I'd love to indulge in my bobsleighing hobby, but there's no bobsleigh tracks round here, it's SO not fair that i have to travel.
    Same with snowboarding.
  • meesterbond
    meesterbond Posts: 1,240
    kona_matt wrote:
    there are lots of mountain bikers here [in Essex] and our access to trails is awful.

    Oh boo hoo. I'd love to indulge in my bobsleighing hobby, but there's no bobsleigh tracks round here, it's SO not fair that i have to travel.
    Same with snowboarding.

    Then start a petition for Wales to hold the 2022 Winter Olympics and I'm sure they'll sort it out for you.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Wales, inviting shedloads of foreigners in? Hardly likely! :lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Tell me about it. Was in North Wales at the weekend and it's like something out of Deliverance. Shifty dirty looks from the locals. Everyone speaking some weird language behind our backs. Restaurant that was open but locked and those inside ignoring us filthy English foreigners. Well weird.

    But at least we've infiltrated South Wales far more :D
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I don't think "infiltrated" is the right word.
    "Bought civilisation to", maybe :lol:

    I like it here though. :wink: