A lesson in tempting fate.......

Butterd2 Posts: 937
edited October 2010 in Commuting chat
So others may learn from my mistakes.

Only last week I was responding to a thread about riding clipless and I pointed out that I had been riding with SPD's for 18 years now and other than the inevitable 1st fall hadn't fallen since.
Now even as I was writing this I felt I might be tempting fate but with hindsight I was actually throwing down the gauntlet and calling her out. Now fate is no chicken and she came to visit me this morning.

I'm stopped by a set of red lights on Evelyn St so I decide to try a trackstand (I've only been fixed a couple of months so am still in the novice category). The trackstand begins well;

3secs......(looking good).....6secs......(bit of a wobble).....7secs...(have to roll forward half a turn).....8secs (can't trackstand left foot forward)....9secs(have to put in another half turn)....10secs.....

Now I'm pushing out into the junction with a motor bike on my right hand side. The road is clear and potentially at this point I could concede defeat and roll through the Red, Fate however is one step ahead of me.....

~~~5mins earlier whilst waiting at another Red some old MAMIL rolls through the red and nods off up the road, lights go Green and with a little righteous anger I fly past him with a quick "bit old for RLJing aren't we?"~~~~~~

Said MAMIL is now sat directly behind me so there's no way I'm going to RLJ - the only alternative is to unclip. So I take out my left foot and at that very moment up jumps Fate and turns the light to Amber.

Now she has me at her mercy, I'm performing a wobbly one footed trackstand trying to clip my left back in with a motorbike to my right, half a dozen cyclists (inc. MAMIL) and a queue of traffic behind me.

All that is now required is an almost imperceptibly gentle push to the right and I'm down. Fate delivers the coupe de grace and over I go right foot still clipped in landing in front of the motorbike as the lights go Green.

Fate 1 Butterd2 0
Scott CR-1 (FCN 4)
Pace RC200 FG Conversion (FCN 5)
Giant Trance X

My collection of Cols
