Manchester 100 revisited

Moaner Posts: 117
Started riding 4 years ago and at the beginning of this year – despite being desperately old – decided to try to build up to doing a 100 mile ride this year.

I decided to try for it on the Manchester 100 – trained and built up my distances all year then the big day arrived! Dead excited! Started off well and enjoying it, then disaster struck – on the hill leading into Norley someone rode into my back wheel and pulled a couple of spokes right out the rim. ☹
Ride over. Totally gutted.

Anyway, sorted out new wheel and yesterday did the full Manc 100 route on my jack jones. It’s great when you work towards something, overcome obstacles and finally make it. That’s all really – just so chuffed that I wanted to share.


  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    ...then disaster struck – on the hill leading into Norley...

    Hi Moaner, I didn't notice any hills on the Man 100...was there any?

    Seriously though it was a cool course, thoroughly enjoyed it, well organised and one for next year to see if I can get under the 5 hours next time!
  • Wickers
    Wickers Posts: 17
    Velonutter wrote:
    Hi Moaner, I didn't notice any hills on the Man 100...was there any?

    Seriously though it was a cool course, thoroughly enjoyed it, well organised and one for next year to see if I can get under the 5 hours next time!

    It is very flat isn't it? It needs a couple in to make it a bit more interesting. Good if you're going for a time, but five hours is a bit* out of my reach.

  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    Wickers wrote:
    Velonutter wrote:
    Hi Moaner, I didn't notice any hills on the Man 100...was there any?

    Seriously though it was a cool course, thoroughly enjoyed it, well organised and one for next year to see if I can get under the 5 hours next time!

    It is very flat isn't it? It needs a couple in to make it a bit more interesting. Good if you're going for a time, but five hours is a bit* out of my reach.


    The flatness is what appealed to me, I'm crap at hills, but can hold my own on the flat and the challenge was to do so for nearly 100 miles, I managed to hold around 20mph for the first 55 miles, then dropped a little for the final 45, so got to build my endurance up to hold that speed.

    At the end of the day, it was well organsied and I enjoyed the ride.
  • Good to read you've done it now. Great setting yourself a challenge and completing it despite obstacles, well done.
  • Well done on completing it, and alone too, probably the only thing you missed out one was cycling behind fit girls in lycra. :wink:

    Hopefully see you there next year
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Well done - great to set a goal and get there.

    Your first 100 mile ride is a great milestone to reach and it's a real buzz when you notch the first one up. :D