Can anyone tell me about this bike GT ZR 4000

DonOfAshford Posts: 53
edited October 2010 in Road buying advice
Hi all am after my first road bike, and have seen this advertised locally, GT ZR 4000, in all the mags I've read, and forums I've not come across it, can anyone ive me a heads up as to whether its any good, and what it may be worth secondhand in goog nick? ( hopefully not nicked though!)

Thanks Don :?:


  • vorsprung
    vorsprung Posts: 1,953
    I think the previous version of this bike features in this (amusing) book ... 94&sr=1-13
  • Dear Vorsprung,

    Not living up to your monika here, unless I missed a trick ypur comment has not "advanced "my quetion in any way, unless your are the author of aforementioned book and are trying to boost sales......... :evil:
  • vorsprung
    vorsprung Posts: 1,953
    Sorry you don't like my input!

    The book is available at your local library and describes what the (similar) bike is like for a complete beginner to ride

    I know as much as you do from typing "GT ZR 4000" into google, it's a cheap aluminium framed race bike from 1999 or 2000 which cost around £400-£500 new
  • Hi Vorsprung, actually that helps, when I googled it came up with American sites referencing the bike at 1000 dollars ! couldn't find a comparable uk site with it on so knowing £500 quid helps

    Cheers Don