Workplace B*lls-Up...



  • HonestAl
    HonestAl Posts: 406
    Thanks Chrisnoir. Now I see this I remember reading it some time ago, complete with flanged baby crying. Bit off topic but entertaining (well, to me at least!)
    "The only absolute statement is that everything is relative" - anon
  • BigG67
    BigG67 Posts: 582
    I used to be a full time referee in womens pro golf (I know bizarre job) and had to select the place the hole went each day on the greens.

    At an event in Sicilly I set a pin that out of the 70 player who played the hole that day there was one 1 putt two 2 putts and five 3 putts....the rest were 4 or poor woman took 7 putts. A few of the caddies got deck chairs and beers and sat there all day laughing.

    Still it could have been worse. A mate who's a pilot sent me this

  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,745
    That bastion of British Scientific learning - Imperial College - built a new halls of residence with all the mod cons, a gym, sports centre and..a swimming pool...The Dean (or whatever) decided that they did nt need to hire an architecht or engineer or similar as "We re Imperial College"

    What they had nt factored in was the weight of the builing on the foundations when swimming pool HAD THE WATER IN.....

    The number of oil industry elders who ve told me sories of exploration teams drilling past huge oil reservoirs they ve not picked up or ignoring reservoirs because someone got the depth conversion wrong is startling too.. Luckily, so far mine only extend to sending e-mails to clients complaining about how much they re whining :oops: :oops:
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • I remember being told that when Sheffield hosted the World Student Games in 1992 they dug a new swimming pool to precisely the right dimensions for it to be eligible for world record timings. Then they added the tiles to the inside...
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    El zilcho wrote:
    I remember being told that when Sheffield hosted the World Student Games in 1992 they dug a new swimming pool to precisely the right dimensions for it to be eligible for world record timings. Then they added the tiles to the inside...

    I was told that about Leeds International pool... are you sure you're not getting them mixed up?

    Bikes: Donhou DSS4 Custom | Condor Italia RC | Gios Megalite | Dolan Preffisio | Giant Bowery '76
  • Some council guys in Aberdeen built new garages that once you park your car in them you can't open the door of your car to get out. :roll:
  • DCowling
    DCowling Posts: 769
    Remember this one

    helicopters that could not fly estimated cost to repair £127m
  • Ben:
    I was told that about Leeds International pool... are you sure you're not getting them mixed up?

    I was definitely told it in Sheffield when I first moved up there. To be honest, it does sound a little bit apocryphal.
  • Spender45 wrote:
    Some council guys in Aberdeen built new garages that once you park your car in them you can't open the door of your car to get out. :roll:

    A developer I used to work for made a drive-through to a car park that was too narrow to get a car through...
  • Crapaud
    Crapaud Posts: 2,483
    A couple of years ago French security forces were doing a drill to detect explosives in airports. So that the dogs would sniff out real explosives and not any substitutes, they put a small quantity of the real stuff in a suitcase.

    They lost it.

    By the time they worked out where it had gone it was winging it's way to the United States.
    A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject - Churchill