Anyone doing the Evans Gatwick Ride - Saturday 23rd October?

dubcat Posts: 754
edited October 2010 in MTB rides
Hi guys,

I'm going to do the Evans Gatwick ride on 23rd October. Looking to hook up with some folks to do it with :) ... tober-2010

Pplum? Jude?

2010 Specialized Rockhopper
2012 Bianchi Infinito


  • I hope to be in attendance.. Should be good as the little arrow says no climbing, the last one I done was rated "2" and it was pretty flat!!
  • PPlum
    PPlum Posts: 13
    hoping to take part in this event and/or the Wiggle Southern Rough Ride the following weekend (but we'll leave that for another thread)
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    pplum are you and alan in training? :) I've hardly been out on my bike :( Can I join you guys again - and since there are apparently no big hills perhaps we can go for the long run?
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • PPlum
    PPlum Posts: 13
    Dubcat,it would be good to ride together again. Not sure if Alan will make it but hope to get my brother to join us.

    Anyone else taking part? If you have nobody to ride with and would like to ride with a group of keen but slow riders (it'll be the scenery slowing us down, honest) then join us.
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    apparently there are very few hills so we should be ok! I will never forget that big grassy hill at the beginning of the Biggin Hill ride. It was like someone dumped a ski slop in the middle of a field. That hill made no sense - i still want to know how the hell it got there :)
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • What time are you guys looking at going down there? Will you be doing the 27 mile one..? I'm looking to be doing that one - Would be good to meet up maybe and see how my riding is compaired to others..

    I'm not a great rider to be honest but quite enjoy these trails!!
  • PPlum
    PPlum Posts: 13
    I'll be aiming to get there for 8 a.m. Register, tea and bacon sarnie, get the bike ready and head off on the route around 9 a.m.

    I'm going to register on the day for the 32 mile course and see how it goes, we can always change our mind on the route. I would rather ride a shorter course as a group than a longer one on my own. I'm there for the fun.
  • Ok well I will be just getting up at that time - and I live about an hour away!!

    Hopefully this one wont be as hard as the trail breaks one I done last weekend.. 27miles of just pain!!
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    I pulled a lower back muscle on Tuesday. I am resting it up as much as possible and will do my best to be at the ride even if i have to down a tub of ibuprofen.

    I am going to try to get there for 8am too. Would be good to be amongst the first lot out like we did at Biggin Hill. Are the Horley crew coming again Paul? Definitely want to shoot for the long ride :). I have done virtually no training. I had good intentions but only managed to get out on my bike 3 times since Biggin Hill :(
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    Ollie my advice would be to decide whether you are doing medium or long when you get to the split which is a long way in to the ride. If you do a different one to the one you tell the timing guy at the beginning it is ok as you can just tell him which one you actually did at the end and they will adjust your records accordingly.
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • PPlum
    PPlum Posts: 13
    Dubcat, none of the Horley guys can make it this weekend. Alan might not be able to take part either. So it could just be me coming down.

    Try and make it for 8am Ollie.
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    Ok man. My back is really messed up. Did a test ride on the bike after work, not good. I will still go for it though. See you there for 8.
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    Had a great ride with pplum yesterday apart from my front mud guard falling off three times. Never seen so much mud in my entire life. Did the long ride, knackered!

    They messed up the timings as my time is much faster than Pplums even though we started and finished together. No big deal for me but some of the race whippets may have been annoyed.

    Going to Dorking next.

    Ollie and Jude, did you do it?
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • Yea I done the ride, done the medium one and arrived at around 9.30, not to sure how long it took me as the results havent been displayed yet?.. How long id it take you?

    Overall I was a little dissapointed to be honest, there was nothing to keep me entertaind, there was one downhill bit after the 2nd waterstation that was entertaining, lots of turns etc but other than that dissapointed!! :(

    As for the the mud, I'm not even sure if it was mud as It normally comes off the tyres no problem, it felt like clay when i was washing it off!!

    Dubcat, are you not planning on doing the Cliddesden one in Hampshire? Its ony down the M3 so not much further than the dorking one..
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    Ollie biggin hill was much more hilly. The lack of hills was a welcome relief for me lol.

    When is Cliddesden? By the way pm pplum and me your mobile number and we can coordinate future runs. You arrived only 3o mins after we departed so ita a shame we did not ride together. Having said that i would probably have slowed you down, I know pplum could have got a faster time than me.

    The times have been published already by the way. However, they are clearly wrong at least in my case as my time is shown as over an hour faster than pplums.
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    Ollie ah yes the Cliddesden one is in my diary. I do intend to go. However as I said, I will probably slow you done as im a 39 yr old fatty :). By the way if you want big hills to ride down this one won't be as good as biggin hill either as it's a level 2 on the hillometer and biggin hill was a 3.

    I am going to try and do the long one. It is more satisfying than medium. The good thing is the split is not until far in to the ride so you can always change your mind.

    Riding with someone else is way more fun than alone. I would love to team up with you as long as you are happy to leave me behind if i am slowing you down :)

    Pplum, you up for this one too? ... ember-2010
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • PPlum
    PPlum Posts: 13
    sorry, would love to make it to Cliddesden but already booked up for that weekend.

    Really enjoyed Saturday and glad we chose the long route. The mud was evil stuff, so slippery, and some of those puddles really did stink. Gave the bike another wash today to get it properly clean.
  • Dubcat, am I missing somthing? .. I look here for the results .. "" .. is there another place?

    I thought you guys were going to be setting off at 8.30am sharp!?
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    Ollie it says your average was 9.23mph! You are way faster than me. I am prEtty sure my times are wrong. If pplums time is right i averaged only 5.89mph over the 32 miles we did.
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • thanks for the link.. it says I finished 12.41 which I find interesting!!.. felt later than that but I didnt even wear a watch!! .. Whats your names on there?.. Mines Oliver Lucas on the medium route number 253.
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    I'm Amir Khan. I'll let pplum tell you his name.
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • Im guessing hes Paul Plumridge .. lol just a guess? - However.. If you both rode together that Is a little odd .. What time do you think you started and finished?..
  • PPlum
    PPlum Posts: 13
    The timings are definitely not right. Our timings should have been something like:

    Start time: 09:29
    End Time: 15:20

    I dropped them a mail last night, doubt I'll be the only one doing this.

    We did end up leaving later than planned. Next time we can swap numbers beforehand.
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    The late departure was my fault :) Big thanks to PPlum for waiting for me :) Lesson learned - it is impossible to feed my twins, get their nappies changed, get them clothed and looking presentable and deliver them to grand parents AND get anywhere on time :roll:
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • benobo
    benobo Posts: 19
    Hi everyone, the Gatwick ride my first with Evans. The organization was great, but I ended up standing in the bike wash line for 90 minutes waiting for some dude to wash each tire nob! Anyway is that how it is normally: slow bike wash? If so, I will be sure to scope out some alternatives.

    Looking forward to riding more and hopefully link up with you all.
    Specialized Camber
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    yup was a long queue for the bike wash but in fairness the conditions were as muddy as it gets and i don't begrudge anyone their turn at the wash. Some people live in flats for example and they have to get the bike clean as they keep it in their hallway or a study for example. At the last ride i went to we simply turned up for the bike wash when everyone else had finished...
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • PPlum
    PPlum Posts: 13
    Hi benobo, which ride are you planning to do next? One of us will start a new thread for each ride so keep an eye out for them.
  • Hi Guys,
    I'm glad most of you enjoyed the ride despite the mud.

    We did have some problems with the timing system on Saturday, mainly someone tripping over the cable, disconnecting it and not realising so I guess we've learnt something for future events and need to be a bit more careful where we run the data cables. Hopefully we recovered most of the data but some people's times do seem to be incorrect, if you use the email address at the top of the results we'll do our best to try and correct errors where we can.
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    Hime for me it was awesome. I'll be at the next one in Cliddesden :)

    Mark - ah that would explain it :). One bit of feedback is that there really should have even cups at the drink stations - neither of them had any. Also a bunch of us took a wrong turn nearncold harbour farm but on the whole the signs were good. Other than that all was good - the cake was glorious and knowing it was waiting for me kept me peddling lol. I swear i put weight on during these rides.
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito