Woman advice needed...



  • kenan
    kenan Posts: 952
    RTW-Chaz wrote:
    And I've literally just been told (yep, told...) that her mate is driving us all in. AND she's invited another one of her mates (female) too.

    You know she is now taking another female friend? sounds like a set-up to me :wink:
  • Chaz.Harding
    Chaz.Harding Posts: 3,144
    kenan wrote:
    RTW-Chaz wrote:
    And I've literally just been told (yep, told...) that her mate is driving us all in. AND she's invited another one of her mates (female) too.

    You know she is now taking another female friend? sounds like a set-up to me :wink:
    Honey trap...?

    Well, I'm free and single (so it's not my bird who could be setting me up) and I certainly ain't rich (so she ain't after monies).

    I'm not lucky enough, lol!
    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Three some. Could be a double jackpot!
  • Chaz.Harding
    Chaz.Harding Posts: 3,144
    supersonic wrote:
    Three some. Could be a double jackpot!
    Now, as much as this might well be most men's wet-dream's, it's just awkward...

    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Nah, doesn't have to be, just let them go at each other for a bit and watch.

  • Chaz.Harding
    Chaz.Harding Posts: 3,144
    supersonic wrote:
    Nah, doesn't have to be, just let them go at each other for a bit and watch.

    No, really, is just really awkward.

    Girl-on-girl is alrite, if left to my computer screen. Real-life... Not so much.
    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Lol, just teasing!

    6 months eh? Times that by 6 and you have the last time I had a GF ;-)
  • Chaz.Harding
    Chaz.Harding Posts: 3,144
    supersonic wrote:
    Lol, just teasing!

    6 months eh? Times that by 6 and you have the last time I had a GF ;-)

    Unlucky (maybe..?). Haha.

    Women are such a ball-ache! :lol:
    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I get enough attention lol, just don't act on it!
  • Chaz.Harding
    Chaz.Harding Posts: 3,144
    supersonic wrote:
    I get enough attention lol, just don't act on it!
    Really? :lol::lol::wink:
    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
  • Chaz.Harding
    Chaz.Harding Posts: 3,144
    Argh, same here mate.

    My main problem is, I just don't know what to do with a hot woman...! :cry::cry:

    Ah well, plenty of time to learn! :lol:
    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I know what to do haha! Just need some confidence back.
  • psymon
    psymon Posts: 1,562
    get plenty of wine in, 2xred, 2xwhite, 2xrose just to cover all bases.
    playlist some tunes ont ipod, damien rice is a winner, snow patrol and such like.
    sit thru xfactor then just sit an talk til the sun comes up/fall asleep together.

    just dont force it.
  • Chaz.Harding
    Chaz.Harding Posts: 3,144
    supersonic wrote:
    I know what to do haha! Just need some confidence back.
    Yeah, OK, fair one.
    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    My usual tactic is to get them wasted, shag them, then if they want to see you after that bonus if not you didn't lose out anyway.

    Everyone's a winner.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    psymon wrote:
    get plenty of wine in, 2xred, 2xwhite, 2xrose just to cover all bases.
    playlist some tunes ont ipod, damien rice is a winner, snow patrol and such like.
    sit thru xfactor then just sit an talk til the sun comes up/fall asleep together.

    just dont force it.

    I take it you are single still?
  • psymon
    psymon Posts: 1,562
    yes, but i put that down to not having gone out past 5pm since my break up, 2 moths ago.

    my best possible advice to pull would be go do a season.
  • Chaz.Harding
    Chaz.Harding Posts: 3,144
    Go do a season?

    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
  • psymon
    psymon Posts: 1,562
    go work abroad for a summer/winter season, granted not a help for a bird who' s in the uk, but if you are single and have no ties its amazing.
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    psymon wrote:
    get plenty of wine in, 2xred, 2xwhite, 2xrose just to cover all bases.
    playlist some tunes ont ipod, damien rice is a winner, snow patrol and such like.
    sit thru xfactor then just sit an talk til the sun comes up/fall asleep together.

    Thats pretty much how I bagged Mrs G, even the Damien Rice and Snow Patrol
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Have you tried, putting little chaz in her mouth, and seenig what she does?
    That would give you a clear indication if it's ON or not.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Don't be so rude! He should put his cock in there.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    That's fowl, Sonic. I meant his penis.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    thank fuck yeehaa is here with some proper advice.

    chaz, it sounds like you are suggesting you are going to try it on with a solider?

    this is my advice: dont do it. it will end in tears , it always does.

    also, everyone else: gayest. advice. ever.
  • projectsome
    projectsome Posts: 4,010
    LONG SOLUTION: keep talking to her etc and make a mental note of her body language;

    Watch her fingers carefully.
    # If she pushes her fingers through her hair, she is looking to get your attention. The way she touches her hair is also very important. It tells you information about her temperament. If she does it slowly you have encountered a cunning expert of the art of love. Quick, nervy movements disclose impatience or embarrassment.
    # If she touches the edge of the glass with her fingers, Freudian psychologists often interpret it as a sexual sign. This theory is supported by the women themselves, who claim that they deliberately pet the glass, in order to call the chosen man’s attention upon themselves. Elegant, caressing movement is a sign of intrinsic calmness, self-control and waiting, so sit by her. Her beating a rhythm on the glass with her nails is a sign of impatience or a broad hint of SOS, which she’s sending to her boyfriend, who is fighting for another Bailey’s at the bar.

    Note any physical contact.
    If she touches you in any manner, this is almost always a good sign, with the exception of the event in which she is striking you and telling you to get out. If she is lightly touching you on the arm while laughing, or in general just finding any way she can to touch you, bump into you, or grab you, then she is almost certainly interested.

    Check out her hands and arms.
    # If she leans on her hand with her chin and her eyes seem to be thinking, it’s not always the sign of her being impressed by your appearance. Generally the woman tries to answer her own question this way: "Does this guy deserve me" You know the answer, but the lady needs time. If you want to help her make the only right decision, be politely determinate and determinately polite. Flash your sense of humor as well.
    # If she sits back with her arms crossed together,she may be uncomfortable with her weight or she might be annoyed. This is the worst possible thing you can encounter when out hunting. This gesture is evidence of the fact that you’ve made the worst impression of all on the woman and she doesn’t trust you at all. Nothing helps here, neither refined jokes, nor nice, muscular body. The only thing that MAY help in this situation is to pull back away from her: Lean back, lean away, turn away from her if you cannot lean back. Show her that you're not interested in her. Turn back and smile to her if she is opening up, do it progressively. Tell her that you'll have to go soon, and sit/stand there talking with her. Let her see that you're charming to other people, talk with other woman/people, let her miss you. If this is the case, maybe she'll come back.
    # The way the woman herself thinks of her hands is also very important. If she stares at them for a very long time, it may imply that likes you and is nervous. if she is very shy,she will not be able to look at you. another reason for this behavior is that something angers her (perhaps you?). If she beats the rhythm on the table or the bar means a similar state of mind

    Look at the lips.
    # If a woman wets her lips quite frequently, it’s either out of habit or desire to get you to pay attention to her lips and sooner or later kiss her.
    # When a woman is biting her lips, do not interrupt her – everything’s alright. But sometimes when she’s biting them, you may assume that she’s nervous. Why? Perhaps you are staring at her too inquisitively, or she is subtly flirting with you.

    Eye the eyes
    According to famous experts of the topic and authors of cheap romantic stories the fast movement of the eye-lashes is the sign of women who like to conquer men of their own accord. Besides they are emancipated, who like to take over the duty of initiation. They aren’t waiting for your jokes and wide smile. They undertake to initiate. The only problem with such ladies is that not all of them will enjoy herself in the role of the doped out game. But if you don’t mind losing the role of the hunter, swallow the bait. Also, note her pupils. Basic biology tells us that when we like something (or someone) our pupils expand (dilate). When we don't like something, they contract. If her pupils are big, it may be a sign that she likes you, or likes what you're saying. On the other hand, if her pupils are small and pointed, it may be a bad sign. However, this method isn't foolproof. If it is really bright outside pupils contract naturally, regardless and if you are somewhere darker, they naturally dilate.

    Check out the legs.
    Researchers of body language emphasize that when a woman frequently crosses her legs or let them swing, is also a sexually charged movement. The strongest of all these movements is when she opens her legs without meaning it. It’s a classical Freudian opening symbol. A contrary sign to this is when she puts her legs together.

    Look at her feet. If her feet are pointed at you, this means she is interested in you. But if not tell her something that will catch her attention.
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • projectsome
    projectsome Posts: 4,010
    SHORT VERSION: ask her work friends. woman share most things!
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • Kitty
    Kitty Posts: 2,844
    Get to know her better, and then maybe suggest doing something with just the both of you.

    Or, my new plan is, stay single til someone I like asks me out. Gotta a feeling I might end up single for a long time though lol.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    why are you all being so fucking gay??
  • why are you all being so ******* gay??

    Couldn't agree more!

    I stand by my initial suggestion:
    Personally, I'd start off by making a grand gesture, something along the lines of a dead cat on her doorstep every day for a month.

    Then call her, you dont need to say anything, just stay on the line, breathing....heavily.

    Finally, lock her up in your basement, if you don't have a basement, just leave her in a ditch with her head backwards.