The Big Life Ride

Hi All, I just wanted to let you all know about a Charity event I am organising for next summer - its going to be BIG !!!

I have been feverishly working on this for a few weeks now but I am now please to announce that The Big Life Ride is go

We have our venue - Mallory Park in Leicestershire.

We have our date - Monday 15 August 2011.

We now need more sponsors - working on this so watch this space.

So what is the Big Life Ride you say ??

Well, having lost two very close friends within 10 days of each other and both from cancer - this, through the sadness inspired me to do something and something BIG !!

Being an ex roadie, track and TT racer and supporter of all things Lance Armstrong I decided to put together a little bike event !!! I wanted to do this many years ago and never got round to it !

We want to raise £1 MILLION POUNDS for our chosen charities, Cancer Research UK, Macmillan Cancer Support, LiveStrong and Rainbows Children's Hospice.

So, The Big Life Ride is a 12 hour relay charity bike event, cycling around a race track - so its safe - but you don't have to ride the whole 12 hours - which is why we want teams of riders of all abilities to take part and the best thing is it's all about the Time you ride and not the Distance you ride - so if it takes you 1 hour to do 1 mile or 10 miles its no bother - all we ask is that you raise lots of money for the cause.

There will also be a Trade/Expo taking place in the paddock and we have full use of the camp site opposite the pits and camping is from Sunday 14 August afternoon.

More info here and follow the Facebook and Twitter links too.

So get a team together and get raising some money for cancer charities!!

Oh, btw we have contact with Lance Armstrong and we also have the backing from none other than Mr Phil Liggett and hope to get a bundle of more stars signed up soon.

We aim to make this event the race for life but on 2 Wheels and is open to all abilities as it is not a race and as the website says there will be plenty of other cycling activities on throughout the day - more of that soon.

Registration is FREE at the moment.

Phil Craddock
organiser, The Big Life Ride.


  • We are also looking for donations of any cycling memorabilia to go towards our Big Life Ride charity auction.

    Any help please let me know. Many thanks.
  • we have some very interesting and rare cycling memorabilia on our auction page now - more donations being added daily so please check them out.

    We have one very rare piece of Lance Armstrong stuff going on next week too ! and click on the auction page.

    We are running 2 auctions, one on the website and another on the day of the event itself.
  • We now have a few more bike companies signed up for our trade show.

    Shutt VR
    Get Mountain Biking

    And Brooks Saddles are kindly donating some items as prizes.

    More traders to come so watch this space !!!

    Get your team registered now !!!!
  • we now have the pledged support from Phil Liggett.

    We are adding more attractions to our event very soon so please check the website and our FB page for details.

    Thanks, Phil ... 280?ref=ts
  • just a quick note to say that time is running out for bids on some of our auction items. and click the Auction page.

    The first auction ends on Dec 1 2010 and any unbid items will go into the main auction on the day of our event next August 2011. We hope to add a lot more items to this list also.

    All proceeds go direct to our fundraising effort.

    Thanks, Phil
  • New Years Resolution - ride with us and raise some money for charity.

    Happy New Year to you all and happy and safe riding in 2011.
  • Places still available - FREE to enter and lots happening on the day. and help us raise £1 million for charity.