What's the most lost you've got?

dmch2 Posts: 731
edited September 2010 in Road beginners
I went out to do a 40 mile clockwise circuit all NW of my house tonight and got a bit lost and ended up doing a 40 mile circuit S of my house to get home. One point was 20 miles away from the further point of where I was meant to be. That's 50%!

What's the most lost you've ever got? / The furthest way from your intended route?
2010 Trek 1.5 Road - swissstop green, conti GP4000S
2004 Marin Muirwoods Hybrid


  • i went an extra 35miles once lmao i was with a mate and i took a wrong turn which took us upto preston lmao!
    best bike: raleigh avanti U6 carbon comp
    10m tt pb:23:42.
    25m tt pb: 1h 2min( only done 2)
  • I missed some signage on a sportive and added 13 miles, thankfully I had a good idea of the area so not too bad, Dull I know but you did ask.
  • Dunno, I'm still lost!
    Giant XTC Pro-Carbon
    Cove Hustler
    Planet X Pro-Carbon
  • First commute i did from oxford to marlow. Ended up going via henley.

    Also managed to turn a 20 mile commute into a 40 mile one due to some unexpected detours!
  • dmch2
    dmch2 Posts: 731
    It's sort of like the various 'clipped-in moment' threads but not as embarassing that's all :)

    I was hoping to luck into discovering a few nice new routes but just found dual carriage ways full of rush hour traffic :(
    2010 Trek 1.5 Road - swissstop green, conti GP4000S
    2004 Marin Muirwoods Hybrid
  • larmurf
    larmurf Posts: 110

    Not so much the distance, but managed to finish up on a very fast and busy motorway
    somewhere outside Palma Mallorca. Only a few miles but scarey. Asking directions when I got off at the first available side road, in very limited Spanish. Did it again a few days later, despite checking out my very detailed map.

    Mahatma Gandhi was asked by a British journalist what he thought of Western civilisation. "I think it would be a good idea," he replied.
  • I think the most lost I've got is just after the plane crash in episode 1. :lol:
  • Garry H
    Garry H Posts: 6,639
    Managed 107 miles on a ride that was meant to be about 65 tops. Punctured twice and only had one bottle with me.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,921
    I've never got lost, I just go exploring :wink: