Can Sassi save the Cobra?

Bronzie Posts: 4,927
edited September 2010 in Pro race ... with-ricco

Does he even want saving in the first place?

Interesting that Cunego will be working with Sassi next season as well. He's in need of a career boost after a quiet 2010.


  • Rumors in Italy say that the Mapei Center is having finance troubles and that's why they had at first Ivan Basso and now trying their luck with Riccò for gain some more pubblicity.

    Years ago Cunego was working with Cecchini (a very rumored trainer) and then quitted the trainer by saying that he was tired to use SRM and training plans.
    As mentioned above, probably Sassi&Co. are looking for more pubblicity.
  • jerry3571
    jerry3571 Posts: 1,532
    Gainni Savio said that Emanuele Sella is worth a second chance but Ricco is not a Team Player and Ricco would find his own way of succeeding which is what gets him in to troublw; so Savio says "No Grazie" to Ricco.

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    -Jacques Anquetil