Kilotogo - Tour of the Peak

mr_poll Posts: 1,547
This Sportive is on at the end of the month (Oct) - is any one doing it?

Also has anyone ridden any of the kilotogo events, or even last years Tour of the Peak - thinking of signing up but just thought I would garner some opinions.



  • rdt
    rdt Posts: 869
    I live in the area, and in my view the route is not that appealing, having too many busier roads included. But I'm a traffic nazi and prefer the quiet lanes. The problem with the "Dark Peak" part of the Peak District is that, because of the moorland terrain, there aren't so many lanes, and the "headline climb" routes, which organisers often want, tend to involve arterial A roads.

    Interestingly, my experience of audaxes in the area is that their routes are much better, but that's because they're organised by centuries-old local cyclists who, freed of the "headline climb" shackles that seem to bind sportive organisers, seem to better know the routes that are both challenging and enjoyable.
  • vs4b
    vs4b Posts: 257
    I did the kilo to go flatout in the fens as my first sportive so nothing to copmpare it too, but I found it generall well organised with good food stops. No complaints
  • Did it last year.
    Horrendous weather - Tough Course - especially the long one.
    All depends on weather.
    Well organised - nothing special.
    Roads are not great especially around the Strines.
  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    I failed to complete last year as my knee packed in just before Winnats. Long old walk up that was...
    Organisation is reasonable, and most of the roads I did seemed pretty quiet, with the exception of the Cat and Fiddle.
    Weather was awful but don't let that put you off!
    On a plus point being one of the first back meant I got a great massage and plenty of food...
  • parky53
    parky53 Posts: 41
    Don't waste your money on this one. The feed stops were poorly stocked and shambolic and the organisers packed up and left early leaving many who opted for the long course to finish in the dark with nobody there to welcome them back or record their times. Very poor (in my opinion).
  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    I only visited one food stop and there was plenty of food there, although I was probably amongst the first to get there.
    I believe they've restricted the numbers this year and changed the food stop locations after criticism last year.
  • Tonymufc
    Tonymufc Posts: 1,016
    Just signed up for this one. Only doing the short one though ( if you call 65 miles including the Cat and Fiddle, and Winnatts short). Hopefully be a good days riding.