Leg warmers - Any good and what about fit?

highlander777 Posts: 67
edited October 2010 in Road beginners

the temperature is starting to drop.

I have Castelli bib shorts and see that they do leg warmers. Any good and what about fit.

If not, what do others do?



  • Defy
    Defy Posts: 7
    leg warmers are fantastic in changeable conditions as you can remove them with ease if you get too hot.

    I personally prefer them to full length Lycra leggings are I think they made for a more snug fit...

  • +1
    As for size, depends on how long your legs are really.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    I believe you're overthinking it. There are thin to thick for both arms and legs. Thin, obviously being for cool conditions and thick for colder days. As for fit, well, I've used a pair of arm warmers on my legs before and they worked. We're talking lycra here and
    most lycra that I've owned will stretch a mile if it has to. Small, medium, large , or XL, take your pick. If you're not sure ask your mom what size you wear. :wink::wink:
  • And also how much of a beefcake you are. I went for large leg warmers (bit long but my legs are quite thick) and medium arm warmers (haven't beefed up my arm muscles)
    Say... That's a nice bike..
    Trax T700 with Lew Racing Pro VT-1 ;-)
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    Possible to get quality leg warmers at a lower price than the Castelli ones. I bought a pair from Decente last winter and they have been great.
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    Gussio wrote:
    Possible to get quality leg warmers at a lower price than the Castelli ones. I bought a pair from Decente last winter and they have been great.

    PBK own brand are unbeatable imo.
  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    Must be just me, then :(

    I have Gore leg warmers and they are very effective,


    I always get a very bad case of the Norah Batty's half way through my ride. Down they slip, one milimetre at a time until a chillblaned red smile opens up between the leg of the shorts and the top of the legwarmers. Yes, they have nice grippy bits and no, I don't shave my legs, but I still end up looking like someone out of flashdance by the end of my ride. :cry:

    I prefer a simple pair of overtrousers and I'm saving up for longs.

    Also, tbh, I hardly ever change into or out of them mid ride. In fact, the only time I ever did was on the summit of the Col de Galibier prior to my descent, and that was extreme circumstances.

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • AndyF16
    AndyF16 Posts: 506
    pneumatic wrote:
    I still end up looking like someone out of flashdance by the end of my ride.

    well i'm sold, where do i buy them? :wink: is the purpose of them to protect joints from cold, or general comfort please?
    2011 Bianchi D2 Cavaria in celeste (of course!)
    2011 Enigma Echo 57cm in naked Ti
    2009 Orange G2 19" in, erm orange
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    AndyF16 wrote:
    pneumatic wrote:
    I still end up looking like someone out of flashdance by the end of my ride.

    well i'm sold, where do i buy them? :wink: is the purpose of them to protect joints from cold, or general comfort please?

    Warmth is the only reason I can come up with. Not sure what other reason you would want them for.
  • Just worn arm & leg warmers, pretty good.
    Say... That's a nice bike..
    Trax T700 with Lew Racing Pro VT-1 ;-)
  • Philby
    Philby Posts: 328
    + 1 for the Norah Batty look.
  • jthef
    jthef Posts: 226
    good for commuting where you need a bit more warmth in the morning but not in the evening.
    I have some Lusso the max repel are good as warm and if it does rain you don't feel it the same.
  • I got some DHB roubaix leg and arm warmers.

    Both excellent with no Nora Batty effect on the legs after a 40 miler today.

    Good fit (Medium) considering I'm a shortarris but they do have plenty of stretch available.

    Nice and warm too. Toasty even :D

    1967 Engine
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    The best 'look' is to parade around in the house wearing just leg and armwarmers just as the mother-in-law lets herself in...
  • Chrissz
    Chrissz Posts: 727
    THIS is how they should be worn (not me in the pic!) :)

  • Bodryn
    Bodryn Posts: 1
    Back in the 1980's I bought a pair of :shock: women's thigh high legwarmers at a 2d hand store and then doubled them down so they went two layers from knee to ankle - these not only provided a LOT of warmth for biking, but also did a great job of protecting my shins from bumps and sharp corners. Of course I wore them UNDER my levis. 8) These were easy to put on and off in changing weather conditions.

    Another thing I did during colder weather was to wear a heated vest and chaps powered by the motorcycle battery. In 40 degree weather I felt as warm as if it were in the 70s except for needing to wear gloves.
  • paul64
    paul64 Posts: 278
    I'm guessing leg/arm warmers are a personal thing as I find the opposite and am probably not alone. If my torso and knees upwards are warm then I am generally comfortable and don't need the same layers on the arms or lower legs.

    As a result I prefer 3/4 bib tights and only need the shins covered in the colder weather, I like a long sleeved base layer or jacket but often pull the sleeves up towards the elbows, like a short-sleeved base layer underneath and I usually wear a Gilet to combat windchill from fast flat surface riding and descents even if it spends a lot of the ride being open.

    I think all you can do is buikd up the wardrobe with items of varying thickness and warmth and get to know what combination of layers on body or arms/legs works for you.
  • Scrumple
    Scrumple Posts: 2,665
    Assos last and last, and last....

    But you pay upfront.

    Have the arms, knee, and leg warmers and they are great.
  • Tony Mc
    Tony Mc Posts: 180
    Defeet arm and Knee warmers great for the early morning commute
    no problems regards slippage and both stay in place well, not roubix material so I'm not sure if they'll do the job through the winter but if its too clod I'll have a jacket on
    Getting there
  • vorsprung
    vorsprung Posts: 1,953
    I've been using Gore Windstopper Leg warmers as described here

    Full tights are warmer