Orange Bikes – Order Delay (not the five!)

stingmered Posts: 60
edited September 2010 in MTB general
Anyone else having a lengthy wait on Orange bikes other than the Five?

Got an Alpine on order since 13th August – I was a bit fussy with spec/colours and was quoted 3-4 weeks. Phoned dealer last week and they were told by Orange ‘another few weeks yet.’

I’ve seen the news feeds on their site re: the Five, in fact the last one alludes to the fact that the new Alpine/ST4 models are taking up their time/rig space, therefore I would have assumed that Alpines would be flying out of the door.

Anyone from Orange care to comment? I’ve tried phoning twice but didn’t get through (guess they’re busy on the shop floor whipping the weld-miesters into place... :wink: )


  • According to a rep the Fives and Alpine 160's are delayed slightly due to the shock mount and the frames being slightly misaligned.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    According to a rep the Fives and Alpine 160's are delayed slightly due to the shock mount and the frames being slightly misaligned.

    are those made by robots or men?
  • According to a rep the Fives and Alpine 160's are delayed slightly due to the shock mount and the frames being slightly misaligned.

    are those made by robots or men?

    I thought men?

    Annoying, but rather it arrived correct than find out 2 months down the line...
  • Men.

    The rep said that it was the same shock mount they'd used on the last run of the old Alpine 160's. Though he did say something about a delay with graphics, but that may of been for the ST4 where they're changing it slightly
  • Men.

    The rep said that it was the same shock mount they'd used on the last run of the old Alpine 160's. Though he did say something about a delay with graphics, but that may of been for the ST4 where they're changing it slightly

    Cheers for the info so far.

    Re: Graphics: Demo-day Orange fella said there was a 2-3 week delay on new graphics for the Alpine 160 (in his words – their graphics man didn’t pull his finger out early enough.) But... this would have only taken it to just before my original date.
  • Update:

    Just spoke to Orange (nice guys there, v. friendly) and the reason for the extended delay on the Alpine 160 is...

    awaiting supply of Saint rear mech's! Shimano not delivering until first week in October - gutted! Was offered an XT to cut the delay but turned it down.