Beginner Cycling Routine

Posts: 30
Hi guys,
Started cycling a month ago and loving it although I'm not getting out enough as I should be.
Basically what would people recommend for me to be achieving in a week both number of times out riding and distance.
Obviously I understand to a beginner an hour of cycling is is better for fitness before focusing on speed and distance but even though I'm overweight I'm not super unfit.
Basically at the weekends I've rode 20 miles and this weekend I did 30 miles.
This is my most recent route and it had plenty of uphill sections which nearly killed me.
Any who any advice to how often and how far I should be doing when I'm out.
Started cycling a month ago and loving it although I'm not getting out enough as I should be.
Basically what would people recommend for me to be achieving in a week both number of times out riding and distance.
Obviously I understand to a beginner an hour of cycling is is better for fitness before focusing on speed and distance but even though I'm overweight I'm not super unfit.
Basically at the weekends I've rode 20 miles and this weekend I did 30 miles.
This is my most recent route and it had plenty of uphill sections which nearly killed me.
Any who any advice to how often and how far I should be doing when I'm out.
If you're loving it then go out more, if you stop loving it so much then go out a bit less. Unless you're one of the mega keen racing 300 mile a week brigade I wouldn't worry about it.
Family commitments limit me to at most a couple of 20 miles runs after my daughter is in bed and before it gets dark plus a longer one at the weekend, maybe 30-40 miles. Less if we're off for the weekend or got visitors.
I'm always wanting to do more so those limits ensure it keeps being fun.
If you've just started then 20 miles will be a killer and you'll need a while to recover. Just make sure it keeps being fun
You may find a cycle computer motivates you, you may not. Or you may just want to ride up the next hill to stop and enjoy the view2010 Trek 1.5 Road - swissstop green, conti GP4000S
2004 Marin Muirwoods Hybrid0